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Re: I'm Tired

cable joe, dont know is this will help you but ive used llc corp to bring together contractors of all phases on the hardline const but i always used people i knew for years. it is only good for the project your on if you dont want to do any more projects. you still retain your company but can give you the clout of large contractors.i used it back in the 60s and 70s to compete with burnup and simms,hinkle and mccoy, etc. it took a few months to work out the bugs but was very profitable. we found it to better to have our own pay scale for prices in esmts vs street side even if the prime contract was the same. this let whoever had the esmts could make the same as those on the street. we met once a week and put the print numbers in a hat and drew lot for where you worked. the contractor that just come off the worst print didnt draw but got the best print next. everybody got there full cut on prices. it ended up where contractors done for the day that were on good running would swing by and help who was in bad esmts at the time and wouldnt charge for it. it was nice to look up and see linemen and grunts lined all the way down the esmt when you still had 2000 ft of trk to lash up and it was 4 0r 5 oclock. dont work about the pay, next week you might be the one in the esmts. like i say, i knew most of them from the eairly 60s so we all had a good working relationship. it gave you power to negoiate with insurance companies, pulled a lot of small companies and subs out of the market so it was harder for the larger corps. to find subs because we were working or projects together but still having the ability to remain a private contractor. just a thougt, ive been the cwa and ibew route and didnt like it at all, very restricted in high footage posibilities and limited income. id rather take my chance and remain independent. best of luck in how ever you go but remember your only ane job away from sitting on top or the bottom, hope yours up.
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