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Re: Speed of upload and download Info Please?

OK,buddy first that all in order to help you. i need to know wich is the ISP you using or broadband provider coulb be comcast ect any cable provider then with that on mind we can talk ,but if you wanna know the upload and download speed of your connectivity type in your browser // then go down and click where it says speed test .and wait for the test result if your modem is a 6 mega the upload speed has to be on 320 MBPS less than that the speed is not good enought,for 8 mega modem the minimum 720 MBPS,there are another factors that can be affecting your connectivity for example high (TX) or return over 55DBmb your modem is going to have return problem ,remember when you connect to the internet you are sending and receiving info in form of packets if the amount of packet that you send and received are not in range forward and return the connection fall and then you stay off-line. Or actually enter to the modem actual diagnostic page just type in the browser // and take a look of the modem diagnosis.
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Posted in reply to: Speed of upload and download Info Please? by dukebarron
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