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Re: gaffs

Throw away that ladder bro, but man, if ya knew the territory you are talking to people who can climb in thier sleep and may. Pay more attention and you might see that some of these fellers type in thier sleep too...
If you hadnt tucked tail and run yet, get some damn hooks. climbfor hours  bout 5 ft off the ground. have someone or two hold on to your belt and with all thier weight hang from you. You will see that 1/4 of an inch will hold your straight legs under a sh&t load of weight. DO NOT LOOK DOWN except to experiment with fcked up poles. You will learn a whole new way at looking at the stuff, d=shingles, tilts and speedcracks. Learn how your your hook sounds/feels when you place them. keep you ass off the pole, knees too, they stay way away from the stick-- try hookin in a foot or so off the ground, hug the stick (pole) and fall.

Then get a job where an old timer will throw nuts at you out of his ditty bag and if he's only partially good then you can expect to be beaned with a square nut from 60 ft if you are not on the ball, because he wont have patience with a grunt, if this doesnt happen, find another tougher job.. This is the only way to learn because you gotta bleed on that line before calling it yours. Expect him to kick your ass, call you many colorful industry names, and if youre ok he may nod at you when the sht is over. If you can handle that you may find a way of living on lines and being a bird on a wire. Its worth it. I cant think of a better job.

Oh, dont ever think you know it all. Ever.
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Posted in reply to: gaffs by johnneher
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