hey sorry to hear about your jobs but if you ask me alot of installers deserve it i know its a hard job i've done it now i am doin tech support for AT&T and i see how many mistakes are made by installers averyday ...:example's::: telling customers "your modem will sync up in an hour , and it never does or it was never provisioned .. or the tech didnt know how to do the settings correctly ,,,, ex#2 leaving cable ran all thru there house or yard .. i recieved a call from a customer that said the tech ran the lines and left told her to put it together i do get alot of calls from IN,IL,CA,TX,CT---- and the main problem is the contracted installers.. and if you dont beleive me try doin tech support over the phone and listen all the things that installers do wrong I M NOT STICKING UP FOR AT&T IN ANY WAY ..... THEY HAVE SO MANY NETWORK PROBLEMS I DONT KNOW WHY SOME PEOPLE STAY WITH THE SERVICE .....IM OUTTIE ....JUS HAD TO VENT
Re:AT&T Broadband Problems
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