I was planning on going to Norfolk Va to go job hunting monday and tuesday and come back home weds. Before I was able to do that. I had to do some repairs to the old truck. So I gone ahead and replace the ball joints, both front wheel bearings, crank sensor, cam sensor, u-joints, retimed the timing, new tires, spark plugs with cables. Made sure I checked the oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze and wind shield fluid. Yea, all the repairs were done over a period of time. Not all at once. All is good and this truck is ready for a small road trip. I get going down the road. About a hour and half into my trip. The motor spun a rod. Stopped the truck on the spot. Stuck on the side of the road for 2 hours waiting for AAA. Dodging tractor trailors running at a 100mph inches from me siiting on the bank. Finally a state trooper rolls up. At least he took me to the store to get a drink and some smokes. Then he took me back to 100mph traffic. Finally the tow truck rolled up. After we got the truck loaded up. Had another hour and half trip back home. This guy talked non-stop. I felt like pulling a 45 cal. out of my ass blowing my head off. I am screaming inside, PLEASE LET THIS GUY SHUT UP FOR 5 MINS. After a long day, truck breaking down, a highly talkive tow truck driver, damn getting ran over by tractor trailors and getting escorted around by state police. Whats next?