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Was Obama Born in the USA?

Was Obama Born in the USA?

May 7, 2009

Updated: May 28, 2009

Q:Has a "smoking gun" been found to prove Obama was not born a U.S.citizen? Did he attend Occidental College on a scholarship for foreignstudents?

A: Thischain e-mail is a transparent April Fools’ Day hoax. It fabricates anAP news story about an nonexistent group, and makes false claims aboutObama and the Fulbright program.


I recently received this and wanted to know if it is accurate, and what the implications are.



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The claim is that Obama received a Fulbright scholarship for foreign students, proving that he is not a U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be president. Supposedly this was reported by The Associated Press. But the claim is false and the story is a hoax.

April Fake

We contacted The Associated Press just to confirm what should be obvious, that no such news story ever appeared on the news agency’s wires. Jack Stokes, the AP’s manager of media relations, gave us this statement:

AP: The story purported to be from The Associated Press on April 1 is fake. 

Furthermore, the group that the fake story credits with gaining release of the supposed "smoking gun" documents is also a fake.Searches of news accounts and Internet sites showed no trace of any group called "Americans for Freedom of Information," until recently. On May 6 such a group did appear, but only as a joke to make fun of anyone who had fallen for the April Fools’ Day gag. An anonymous blogger setup a site calling itself "Americans for Freedom of Information: We Do Not Exist." Its first entry begins:

"Americans for Freedom of Information" May 6:We are the Americans for Freedom of Information. We are a fictitious group of individuals; i.e. we do not exist. And yet, for a nonexistent organization we wield great power and knowledge! O Yea, Verily. OK,actually, not verily at all. Anti-verily, as a matter of an utter lack of fact.

Where Truth Ends

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Notall versions of this e-mail carry the telltale April 1 dateline,however. And more than a month after it first appeared we continue to get questions about whether it is true, and to see postings on conservative blogs that seem to accept its claims as fact. But not only is the message a hoax, its key claims are as false as they can be.


Among the few claims that are true in this message is that from fall 1979 through spring 1981 Obama attended Occidental College, a small (currently 1,825 students,according to its Web site) school in Los Angeles. After that he transferred to Columbia University in New York City to finish his undergraduate education. The photo here is from his application to Occidental.

It’s also true that Obama was on scholarship while at Occidental, according to articles in the Los Angeles Times and Boston Globe.

But that’s about where the truth ends. For those who might believe that even a fake news story quoting a nonexistent organization might still have some validity, we offer these facts:

No Fulbright: Contrary to what this e-mail claims,Obama’s scholarship wasn’t a Fulbright. It’s true that many foreign students come to the U.S. under the Fulbright program, sponsored by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. But Fulbrights for foreign students are primarily intended for graduate students studying for masters’ degrees or Ph.D. degrees, not for college freshmen and sophomores.

No "Soetoro": Another false claim is that Obama attended and received financial aid "under the name Barry Soetoro, "using the surname of his Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro. The college’s Director of Communications Jim Tranquada told us there’s no record of that. He told us in an e-mail:  

Occidental spokesman Tranquada: Contemporary public documents, such as the 1979-80 freshman ‘Look book ’published at the beginning of President Obama’s first year at Occidental, list him as Barack Obama. All of the Occidental alumni I have spoken to from that era (1979-81) who knew him, knew him as Barry Obama.

No Records: It’s not even true that Occidental has released Obama’sstudent records, as claimed in the message. Nor have courts ordered anysuch records to be made public. According to the college spokesman: 

Occidental spokesman Tranquada: To date, all of the litigation filed regarding President Obama’s student records at Occidental has been rejected by the courts. Occidental has not released his transcripts or his student file.

Furthermore there’s no trace of the supposed Daily Mail story headlined "Obama Eligibility Questioned," either on the newspaper’s Web site or in the Nexis database of stories published by the paper. The claimthat the Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case brought by LeoDonofrio is also false; the high court in fact refused to grant a hearing in that case back on Dec. 8, 2008.

There is a group called the "United States Justice Foundation," and it does list a Gary Kreep as its executive director. But we find no report of any study of Obama’s legal spending on its Web site, or any mention of turning information over to Attorney General Eric Holder. We’ve asked Kreep about this in an e-mail message, and will update this item should we receive a reply.

Update: May 28: Kreep responded simply: "It’s all a hoax."

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