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Re: July 29th revisions to health care

And more info keeps coming............

Some interesting details here, again information that the media has deemed "Not Worth Knowing." You owe it to yourself to read this!!!
It doesn’t matter what side your toast is buttered on, what side of The Aisle you prefer, your gender, race, religious preference or any other sensitivity that sways your political attitude --- the “Healthcare” bill being forced on us next week (without your vote) is NOT the reform we were promised and it is does not qualify as “Healthcare.”

Let’s start with the facts --- and only the facts. The oft-touted number of “45.7 Million uninsured Americans” is a fictitious number.

But if you repeat it often enough, it goes as unchallenged “fact.”

According to our very own Census Bureau:

1. more than 10 Million of those “uninsured Americans” are not Americans at all. They’ve been beefing up that phony number by roughly 25% by including people from all other countries who just happen to be residing here, temporarily or not.
2. Another 14 Million are already fully eligible for dozens of generous government assistance programs but are simply not doing the paperwork to enroll. When they need the care, they enroll in the emergency room. That process is already in place.
3. 18 Million of that uninsured number are between 19 and 29 and make $50,000 to $75,000 a year and choose not to buy health insurance because they’d rather pocket the money. These are not the down-trodden families often depicted. This 38% (commonly called the “invincibles”) make above-average salaries and would rather buy anything else over health care.
4. What we’re left with is roughly 8 Million chronically uninsured making less than $50,000 who really do need help. They still get emergency room care, but aren’t covered for routine checkups. This is the real number we should be focused on.

Now for some facts from the actual Bill:

1. It will cover anyone residing in the US and its territories, regardless of
citizenship, including 12 Million illegal residents.

2. The types of medical services you can access will be determined by a Board of Directors composed of 15 people appointed by the President for 6 years. You will pay their salary and any other compensation they deem necessary. Among the 15 appointees will be labor union reps and “advocacy group” leaders. You have no say in who these people will be.

3. It will be UNLAWFUL to obtain private insurance after passage of The Act. You may “keep what you currently have” but you can never change it for another private plan. If your employer moves your company plan to the highly-regulated government plan (and they will because it will be subsidized to be artificially cheaper) you are stuck on it, even if you leave the company you work for and start a business of your own. No choice.

4. VA health insurance for our veterans will be abolished. So will Indian Health Services and Tri-Care for retired military and their families.

5. All prescription drugs will be generic. If you want or need a Brand name drug, you must petition a Director. If they say no, you don’t get it. The choice is no longer yours.

6. The types of medical services available will be determined by the Directors based on survival odds. If the odds of a 65-yr old person surviving a certain procedure are deemed too low, the 65-yr old won’t get it. The bulk of the rationing will be on the elderly.

7. The president, his family and the Legislators will be exempt.

8. Personal income taxes will be increased (in 39 States, over 50%), a progressive (ever-increasing) excise tax on payroll and self-employment income will be added, Medicare payments for elderly care will be reduced 20%, and all stock and bond transactions will now be taxed to pay for part of this plan. The rest of the money (an unknown figure at this point) will be “appropriated by additional taxation.”

9. all displaced medical professionals from doctors offices, nursing facilities, hospitals, to billing and clerical workers will be given 2 years of unemployment benefits when the government replaces them with its own staff.

10. Not figured into the 1 Trillion dollar cost is the expense to computerize all health records, the 2 years of unemployment benefits for displaced workers, the administrative costs, lawsuit defense for hospital takeover (all will become non-profit with no compensation for lost business income) and enforcement compensation for nationwide enforcers to track down and fine anyone who does not participate.

Not one word addresses the rampant fraud in the government plans already in place. A sterling example is SCHIP (State Children’s Health Ins. Program) enacted in 1997 to provide health insurance to 6 Million children from low-income households. The program’s funding formula gave States an incentive to add middle-income children and even adults. It has spiraled out of control in 14 States and today covers 600,000 adults. In 6 States more SCHIP money is spent on adults than children. And it’s government controlled.

Time to put aside the politics and pretty speeches promising the utopian free lunch and realize this is not free health care and it is not quality health care.

Read the facts, tell your congressperson and senator to read the facts, and if this is so great, have them volunteer to be the first in line to get on the plan.

Also know that there are great alternatives on the table that are not being discussed because of the manic push to get this Plan in place before anyone actually reads it. Would you sign a contract without reading it first? Please call, write and email your congressperson and senator today and tell them this Bill is nothing like what is being advertised and no bill is better than a horrifically bad bill.
This is posting #263496. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: July 29th revisions to health care by sab3r
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Re: July 29th revisions to health care thetyrone 7/31/2009 6:26:24 PM