People did decide they elected Obama !
!The biggest point that everyone is missing is cost . health care buried GM, Chrysler,ford is having trouble
the cost has doubled in less then 10 yrs .
yesterday My wife shows me a bill for x rays the hospital charged 726. medicare paid 86 . amount owed by patient 16. the numbers do not add up . as a person with no insurance is charged 726 . he or she does not pay the bill becomes a tax write off . now who pays , this is what health care plan is all about . you will pay one way or another .
The congress is trying to put a package together that will work for all if your employer is paying your cost great but in this trade I know better there are very few cable jockeys get health care so the bum rap is on those of you that truly have no clue in what is going on and just revolt because your front office titles you fancy to miss lend you .
I personally don't care about the different congress people doing what I care that they put a halt to to prices going out of sight.
My wife has stock in a pharmamsutical and it is very lucrititve it was bought by her grand father in 1960 now worth million and trust me the drug companies are not for cost control but every american is .
Re: They just don't care
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