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Papa Obama Was A Down And Dirty Commie

Everything you think you know about President Barack Obama is wrong.

His biological father was not the misunderstood goat herder presented in Dreams from My Father, the President’s best-selling autobiography.

Obama Sr. was violent and abusive subjecting his wives and mistresses to continuous beatings.

He was a polygamist who abandoned both his African and American families.

He was a social malcontent who spent time in prison.

He was lazy and shiftless – - a dilettante who remained unable hold a job and who died in abject poverty.

He was a sex offender who committed statutory rape.

He was a chronic alcoholic who died while driving drunk.

And, most alarming of all, he was an avowed Communist, who advocated a classless society and the distribution of wealth.

Obama Sr. gave full vent to his Marxism in “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” which appeared in the July 1965 edition of East African Journal, pp. 26-33.

In this essay, the President’s father advocated the following:

1. The communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately owned land, as part of a comprehensive “development plan” that will put an end to free enterprise.

2. The nationalization of “European” and “Asian” owned enterprises, including hotels, with the control of these operations handed over to the “indigenous” black population.

3. A 100% taxation on the income and holdings of the rich white colonists.

4. The total removal of all economic disparities between black Africans and white Europeans. “While we welcome the idea of a prevention [of class problems], we should try to cure what has slipped in .. we .. need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now .. so long as we maintain free enterprise one cannot deny that some will accumulate more than others.”

The father’s teachings may appear prescient – - providing a blueprint for his son’s socialist vision for the transformation all aspects of American life, from public ownership and control of the banking and automobile industries to massive tax increases on Americans who earn more than $250,000 per year.
In addition, President Obama has followed his father’s directives by stripping capitalists of their assets by obliterating the rights of secured creditors in the re-structuring of Chrysler and GM and by forcing responsible property owners to heavily subsidize all delinquent and irresponsible “ARM-ATM” mortgage holders.
In a Marxist flourish that could have been uttered by his old man, President Obama declared: “We have to spread the wealth around; we have to re-distribute the wealth of the country through taxation.”

President Obama’s penchant toward Communism explains his long-standing friendship with such radical Marxists as Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

This adage is unsettling as more and more facts about Obama Sr. come to light.

We now know that Obama Sr. was 23 years-old when he met and seduced Stanley Ann Dunham, 17, at the University of Hawaii. The seduction would have resulted in a five to twenty year prison sentence in almost any state in the Union, since Stanley Ann was at age 17 and legally a minor.

Stanley Ann was three months pregnant when she married Obama’s father – - apparently not knowing that her hard-drinking, chain-smoking spouse already had a wife and two children in Kenya.

Bigamy, like statutory rape, is also a crime that could have sent Obama Sr. for a long stretch in a state slammer.

Obama Sr. would have felt quite at home in a prison environment. He had been incarcerated during the 1950s for taking part in violent rallies and protests against the colonial British government in Kenya.

The Obama’s family, we now know, shares a common history of rabid anti-white sentiments.

The president’s grandfather Onyango Obama became involved with the Kikuyu Central Association (KCA), a radical organization that sought to drive the British settlers from Kenya by violence. Many members of the Association became leaders of the Mau Mau Movement that spread terror throughout Kenya during the 1950s.

Members of the KCA were obliged to take an oath to fight and defend themselves against all white colonists and Western European intruders. The oath included animal sacrifice and the ingestion of blood. The ritual reportedly also included cannibalism, ritual zoophilia with goats and other animals, and sexual orgies.

Did Onyango engage in such activities?

Did he partake of human flesh?

Did the President’s grandpappy engage in sexual congress with a goat?

The mainstream press has attempted to ward off such indelicate allegations by pointing out that the President’s grandfather was involved with the KCA and not the Mau-Mau. But there is no clear-cut distinction between the two terrorists groups. The Mau-Maus never referred to themselves by this perjorative term (its origins remain unknown). They always insisted that they represented the KCA.

In Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama writes that his grandfather served six months in prison and was later found innocent to the charges of belonging to a terrororist organization and overt sedition.

But Onyango remained incarcerated in a high security prison for over two years.

To arrest a Luo ex-soldier, who must have been a senior figure
in the community, is pretty serious,” said Professor David Anderson,
director of the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford and
an authority on the Mau Mau rebellion.
They must have had some damn good evidence.”

The severity of Onyango’s crimes is further evidenced by the fact
that he was transported and confined to the Kamiti prison,
a national maximum-security facility outside Nairobi.

The Mau Mau Movement resulted in the deaths of over 1,850 men, women, and children
most were hacked to pieces by machetes, hundreds more disappeared;
their bodies never found.

Sarah Onyango, the President’s step-grandmother says that the
combative spirit shown by her husband and Obama Sr. during
Kenya’s bloody independence struggle has passed down through
the generations to the future president. “This family lineage has
all along been made up of fighters,” she maintains, pointing out
that her husband fought physically with the white man,”
while President Obama is fighting the same fight “using his brain.”

Is President Obama engaged in a struggle, as his granny insists,
to put an end to the white man rule of America?

Such an assertion is fortified by the President’s
recent statements that America is no longer a
Christian nation and by his long affiliation with J
eremiah Wright and the Trinity UCC in Chicago.

But Granny Sarah has more to say about the
Obama family tree and the African roots of the country’s 44th President.

She insists that she, along with other family members, was in the delivery room to witness the birth of the current U.S. president.
Here’s the rub.
The delivery room was in the Kenya.
Article 1, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution stipulates:
“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Papa Obama Was A Down And Dirty Commie thetyrone 7/22/2009 12:35:49 AM