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Re: Obama's czars

Obama’s latest “In Your Face”: “Green Czar” admits he’s a Communist with arrest record
July 14, 2009, 7:16 am
By Kevin “Coach” Collins

This is really frightening.

We warned Americans Barack Obama is a Marxist who would govern through dangerous people. Obama’s new Czar, for “Green Jobs” Anthony “Van” Jones freely admits he’s a proud San Francisco Communist with an arrest record.

Because the media has no integrity and works against us, except for Fox News, we have heard little or nothing about this. The amount of damage this confirmed member of Obama’s secret “cabinet” will do as “Green Czar” is frightening to the core. With his signature this radical unelected party apparatchik will be able to crush America’s economy to help Obama’s plans to destroy our country.

Comrade Jones is Black and green on the outside but deeply red on the inside.

The East Bay Express, an Oakland area Black on line magazine reported Comrade Czar Jones, the man who will put the final nail in our coffin, became a communist when he became enchanted with “these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, … I need to be a part of[them].”
He met them in jail, how inspiring!

Jones proudly says he spent the next ten years working with the people he met in jail in April, and “by August I was a Communist.”
His website “Green for all” carries this telling quote from Comrade Jones on his new position, “… we’re going to be in an economic slowdown for a couple of years. So to take three months, four months, six months to spend this money the right way-we’re not going to get a chance to spend a trillion dollars again! Ever. So let’s do it the right way!”

Today just six months of Marxist rule has brought our national debt to one TRILLION DOLLARS!

Obama’s morons are killing us

Thank you, drooling half wits who voted for the worst most anti American president in history. The blood of America is on your hands for giving us Comrade Barack.

The stakes are as high as they can be. Each of us has to do whatever we can to peacefully but effectively regain our country. Get involved. Send Obama a message telling him you don’t support what he is doing. Write your Congressman and Senators. Have their phone numbers on your speed dial.
Stand up for America at every chance. We will never get America back if we totally lose our beloved country.

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Posted in reply to: Re: Obama's czars by MikeEd
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Re: Obama's czars MikeEd 7/17/2009 2:30:27 PM