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Re: Tribute and the constitution

Gwester843 See this is How i see it This country this great country in our court system a Man is supposed to be innocent until proven Guilty, There are aspects of the case that we don't know about the jury was presented all that evidence and they felt the Boy and his parents was lying. Now who are we to say that that man did something to that boy ? If MJ touched that boy then i hope he burns in hell as i have children and if someone touches mine life as they know it will be over, But i don't think he did it see people have there one sided Very slanted views and if they say a person is guilty then hey they must be guilty. Now someone made reference to Obama and MJ having to face god for there faults and that is true But what is this Carma thing ?? Because Obama is the President ? They say we have come a long way But i feel people in most cases have learned to Hide the way they feel about other people which is Crazy and scary because there are a lot of people on this Bar i see everyday and will fight in the trenches with and to think that they may feel a way about me that i don't know about is Scary. the guinness World Record book remembers Michael Jackson instead as the king of charity.

The millennium issue listed the music legend under Most Charities Supported By A Pop Star, with a staggering 39 internationa lorganizations including the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the American Cancer Society.   Those are only the known ones however, as Jackson was also prone to giving away impulsively and anonymously.  

Jackson had been known to hand over the proceeds from concerts to local charities and hospitals as he did with the History tour in Bombay, or donate personal items for auction to organisations like UNESCO.   It’s been estimated he has given up to $500 million to charity in his lifetime.

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009.He was known as the undisputed King of Pop. His musical legacy was profound. In many of his songs, he sang about acceptance. The most  notable was “Black or White”, "Man In The Mirror" as well as “They Don’t Care About Us”. Michael Jackson wrote “Gone Too Soon”in honor of pediatric AIDS victim Ryan White. He also did a lot of work with charities. And many of these charities help special needs children.

The following is a list of charities he pubilicly helped in his life that was taken from
AIDS Project L.A.
American Cancer Society
Angel Food
Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles
BMI Foundation, Inc.
Brotherhood Crusade
Brothman Burn Center
Camp Ronald McDonald
Childhelp U.S.A.
Children's Institute International
Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund
Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
Dakar Foundation
Dreamstreet Kids
Dreams Come True Charity
Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Love Match
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Minority Aids Project
Motown Museum
National Rainbow Coalition
Rotary Club of Australia
Society of Singers
Starlight Foundation
The Carter Center's Atlanta Project
The Sickle Cell Research Foundation
United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope
Volunteers of America
Watts Summer Festival
Wish Granting
YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw

Thank You Michael Jackson for your musical influence and for the work you have done helping special needs, at risk, and sick children across the world. The world will always remember your music. You truly will be missed. Rest In Peace.


This list is from Jackson Action and it is a chronology of all of his charitable contributions:

January 10, 1984: Michael visits the unit for burn victims at Brotman-Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles.

April9, 1984: David Smithee, a 14-year-old boy who suffers from cysticfibroses is invited to Michael's home. It was David's last wish to meetMichael. He dies 7 weeks later.

April 14, 1984: Michaelequips a 19-bed-unit at Mount Senai New York Medical Center. Thiscenter is part of the T.J. Martell-Foundation for leukemia and cancerresearch.

July 5, 1984: During the Jackson's pressconference at Tavern On The Green, Michael announces that his part ofthe earnings from the Victory Tour will be donated to three charitableorganizations: The United Negro College Fund, Camp Good Times, and theT.J. Martell-Foundation.

July 14, 1984: After the first concert of the Victory Tour, Michael meets 8 terminally ill children backstage.

December13, 1984: Michael visits the Brotman Memorial Hospital, where he hadbeen treated when he was burned very badly during the producing of aPepsi commercial. He donates all the money he receives from Pepsi, $1.5million, to the Michael Jackson Burn Center for Children.

January28, 1985: Michael and 44 other artists meet to record "We Are TheWorld", written by Michael and Lionel Ritchie. The proceeds of thisrecord are donated to the starving people in Africa.

1986:Michael set up the "Michael Jackson UNCF Endowed Scholarship Fund".This $1.5 million fund is aimed towards students majoring inperformance art and communications, with money given each year tostudents attending a UNCF member college or university.

February28, 1986: After having had a heart-transplant, 14-year-old DonnaAshlock from California gets a call from Michael Jackson. He had heardthat she is a big fan of his. Michael invites her to his home as soonas she is feeling better. This visit takes place on March 8th. Donnastays for dinner and watches a movie together with Michael.

September13, 1987: Michael supports a campaign against racism. He supportsefforts of the NAACP, to fight prejudices against black artists.

October1987: At the end of his Bad Tour, Michael donates some personal itemsto the UNESCO for a charitable auction. The proceeds will be for theeducation of children in developing countries.

February1, 1988: The Song "Man In the Mirror" enters the charts. The proceedsfrom the sales of this record goes to Camp Ronald McDonald for GoodTimes, a camp for children who suffer from cancer.

March1, 1988: At a press conference held by his sponsor Pepsi, Michaelpresents a $600,000 check to the United Negro College Fund.

April 1988: Free tickets are given away for three concerts in Atlanta, Georgia to the Make A Wish Foundation.

May22, 1988: Michael visits children who suffer from cancer in theBambini-Gesu Children's Hospital in Rome. He signs autographs and givesaway sweets and records to the little patients. He promises a check of100,000 pounds to the hospital.

July 16, 1988: Before aconcert at Wembley Stadium Michael meets the Prince of Wales and hiswife Diana. He hands over a check of 150,000 pounds for the Prince'sTrust, and a check of 100,000 pounds for the children's hospital atGreat Ormond Street.

July 20, 1988: Michael visitsterminally ill children at Great Ormond Street Hospital. At a unit forless critical patients he stays a little bit longer and tells a story.

August29, 1988: At his 30th birthday Michael performs a concert in Leeds,England for the English charity-organization "Give For Life". The goalof this organization is the immunization of children. Michael presentsa check for 65,000 pounds.

December 1988: Michael visits12-year-old David Rothenburg. His father had 5 years earlier burned himvery badly in an act of revenge against his former wife.

January1989: The proceeds of one of Michael's shows in Los Angeles are donatedto Childhelp USA, the biggest charity-organization against child-abuse.In appreciation of the contributions of Michael, Childhelp of SouthernCalifornia is founding the "Michael Jackson International Institute forResearch On Child Abuse".

January 10, 1989: The Bad Tourcomes to an end. Under-privileged children are donated tickets for eachconcert and Michael donates money to hospitals, orphanages andcharity-organizations.

February 7, 1989: Michael visitsthe Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California. Some weeksearlier a 25-year-old man had fired at the school's playground. 5children had been killed and 39 had been wounded.

March5, 1989: Michael invites 200 deprived children of the St. VincentInstitute for handicapped children and of the organization Big Brothersand Big Sisters to the Circus Vargas in Santa Barbara. After this eventhe invites them to his ranch to introduce his private zoo at hisNeverland Ranch to them.

November 13, 1989: Theorganization "Wishes Granted" helps 4-year-old Darian Pagan, whosuffers from leukemia to meet Michael. Michael invites the little boyto a performance of Canadian acrobats.

December 28,1989: Young Ryan White, who suffers from hemophilia, spends hisholidays on Michael's ranch. Ryan had been infected with AIDS bycontaminated blood transfusions in 1984. After he was excluded from hisschool in Kokomo, Ryan fought against the discrimination of AIDSvictims.

January 6, 1990: Michael invites 82 abused andneglected children through Childhelp to his Neverland Ranch. There aregames, a Barbeque and a movie show provided for them.

July1990: 45 children from the Project Dream Street, Los Angeles, forchildren with life-threatening illness are invited to Neverland Valley.

August18, 1990: Michael invites 130 children of the YMCA summer program ofLos Angeles and Santa Barbara to his Neverland Ranch.

May6, 1991: Michael is invited to the Jane Goodall Charity event. Michaelsupports her, an advocate of behavioral research concerning chimpanzeesin Gombe, Nigeria for more than 30 years.

July 26, 1991:Michael pays a visit to the Youth Sports & Art Foundation in LosAngeles. This Foundation supports families of gang members, and helpsdealing with drug-abuse. Michael talks to the kids and presents themwith a wide-screen TV set and a financial gift.

December 1991: Michael's office MJJ Productions treats needy families in Los Angeles with more than 200 turkey dinners.

February1992: Within 11 days Michael covers 30,000 miles in Africa, to visithospitals, orphanages, schools, churches, and institutions for mentallyhandicapped children.

February 3, 1992: At a pressconference at the New York Radio City Music Hall, Michael announcesthat he is planning a new world tour, to raise funds for his new "HealThe World" Foundation. This Foundation will support the fight againstAIDS, Juvenile Diabetes and will support the Camp Ronald McDonald andthe Make A Wish Foundation.

May 6, 1992: Michael defrays the funeral-expenses for Ramon Sanchez, who was killed during the Los Angeles riots.

June 23, 1992: At a press conference in London, Michael makes an announcement about his Heal The World Foundation.

June 26, 1992: Michael presents the Mayor of Munich, Mr. Kronawitter, with a 40,000 DM-check for the needy people of the city.

June 29, 1992: Michael visits the Sophia Children's Hospital in Rotterdam and presents a check for 100,000 pounds.

July1992: Michael donated L. 821,477,296 to La Partita del Cuore (The HeartMatch) in Rome and donated 120,000 DM to children's charities inEstonia and Latvia.

July 25, 1992: On the occasion of aconcert in Dublin, Ireland, Michael announces that he will give 400,000pounds of the tour earnings to various charities.

July29, 1992: Michael visits the Queen Elizabeth Children's Hospital inLondon. To the surprise the children, he brings Mickey Mouse and MinnieMouse from Euro-Disney to the hospital.

July 31, 1992:On the Eve of his second concert at Wembley Stadium, Michael presentsPrince Charles with a check of 200,000 pounds for the Prince's Trust.

August16, 1992: 6 year old Nicholas Killen, who lost his eyesight caused by alife aiding cancer surgery, meets Michael backstage in Leeds, England.

September 1992: Michael donated 1 million pesetas to charity headed by the Queen of Spain.

September30, 1992: President Iliescu of Romania inaugurates a playground for 500orphans which Michael has financed. Michael discusses his Heal TheWorld Foundation.

October 1, 1992: Michael chooses aconcert in Bucharest, Romania for worldwide television broadcast.Bucharest is a logical choice due to the numerous orphanages thecountry is known for.

November 24, 1992: At KennedyAirport in New York, Michael supervises the loading of 43 tons ofmedication, blankets, and winter clothes destined for Sarajevo. TheHeal The World Foundation collaborates with AmeriCares to bringresources totaling $2.1 million to Sarajevo. They will be allocatedunder the supervision of the United Nations.

December10, 1992: During a press conference at the American Ambassy in TokyoMichael is presented with a check for $100,000 for the Heal The WorldFoundation by Tour Sponsor Pepsi.

December 26, 1992:During a broadcast request for donations to the United Negro CollegeFund, Michael declares: "Black Colleges and Universities are breedingsome of the leading personalities of our time. They are on top inbusiness, justice, science and technologies, politics and religion. Iam proud, that the Michael Jackson Scholarship Program enabled morethan 200 young men and women to get a qualified education."

January19, 1993: Michael is one of the stars to perform at the PresidentialInauguration of Bill Clinton. Before he sings "Gone Too Soon" he drawsthe attention to the plights of the victims of AIDS and mentions hisfriend Ryan White.

January 26, 1993: At a pressconference held at Century Plaza Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles,Michael is presented with a $200,000 donation from the NationalFootball League and the Sponsors of the Super Bowl. He gets another$500,000 from the BEST Foundation for his Heal The World Foundation. Atthis occasion the foundation of "Heal L.A." is officially announced.

February1993: In association with Sega, launched an initiative to distributemore than $108,000 of computer games and equipment to children'shospitals, children's homes, and children's charities throughout theU.K.

March 1993: The foundation of an independent filmcompany is announced. They will produce family-oriented movies. A partof the earnings will go to the Heal The World Foundation.

March27, 1993: At a meeting at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, Michaelgives a 5-minute speech to 1200 teachers and politicians.

April26, 1993: Within his "Heal LA" tour, Michael visits the Watta HealthFoundation, and two schools in Los Angeles South Central.

May5, 1993: Former President Jimmy Carter and Michael, who are chairmen ofthe "Heal Our Children/Heal The World" initiative, are in Atlanta topromote their "Atlanta Project Immunization Drive".

June 1993: Michael has announced that he will donate $1.25 million for children who have suffered from the riots in Los Angeles.

June 1993: 100 children from the Challengers Boys and Girls Club visit Neverland.

June10, 1993: Michael promotes the new DARE-program. The purpose of theprogram is to inform children about the dangers of drug abuse.

June18, 1993: Michael pays a visit to a hospital in Washington. He spendsseveral hours with the young patients and plays chess with some of them.

August1993: With Pepsi-Cola Thailand, donated $40,000 to Crown Princess MahaChakri Sirindhorn's charity, the Rural School Children and YouthDevelopment Fund, in support of school lunch programs in rural villagesin Thailand.

August 1993: In conjunction with Pepsi-ColaInternational, donated new ambulances to the Contacts One IndependentLiving Center for Children in Moscow, Russia and the Hospital de NinosDr. Ricardo Gutierrez in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

October1993: Donated $100,000 to the Children's Defense Fund, the Children'sDiabetes Foundation, the Atlanta Project, and the Boys and Girl Clubsof Newark, New Jersey.

October 22, 1993: Michael visits a hospital in Santiago.

October28, 1993: Michael makes it possible for 5000 underprivileged childrento visit the Reino Aventura Park, where the whale Keiko ("Free Willy")is living.

November 5, 1993: Michael is guest at a children's party at the Hard Rock Cafe in Mexico City.

December 1993: With the Gorbachev Foundation, airlifted 60,000 doses of children's vaccines to Tblisi, Georgia.

December16, 1993: The Heal The World Foundation UK supports "OperationChristmas Child" delivering toys, sweets, gifts and food to children informer Yugoslavia.

1994: Michael donates $500,000 to Elizabeth Taylor's AIDS Foundation.

January7, 1994: On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, Michaelgives a party for more than 100 underprivileged children at hisNeverland Ranch.

February 22, 1994: "The Jackson FamilyHonors" is televised. The earnings of the show are given to their ownnewly formed charity, "Family Caring for Families".

August6, 1994: Michael and his wife Lisa Marie are visiting two children'shospitals in Budapest. They distribute toys to the ill children.

1995:Michael wants to free dolphins who have been locked up for years. Hebelieves there should be legal guidelines about the way dolphins haveto live in zoos and parks.

March 1995: Little BelaFarkas received a new liver. Michael and Lisa Marie met this 4-year-oldboy during their trip to Hungary in 1994. Michael did everything tohelp Bela, whose only chance to live was getting a new liver. The HealThe World Foundation covered the surgery and the cost for caring.

June21, 1996: Michael donated a four-times platinum disc of "HIStory" inaid of the Dunblane appeal at the Royal Oak Hotel, Sevenoaks in England.

July18, 1996: In Soweto, South Africa Michael is laying down a wreath offlowers for youngsters who have been killed during the fights involvingApartheid.

September 1996: The first Sports Festival"Hope" was held for orphans and disadvantaged children. 3000 childrenand 600 volunteers took part in the Sports Festival and Michael Jacksonwas a special guest.

September 6, 1996: Michael visits the children's unit of a hospital in Prague.

October1996: Michael visited a hospital for mentally challenged children inKaoshiung, Taiwan and offered 2,000 free tickets to the sold outperformance in Kaoshiung.

October 1, 1996: Michaeldonated the proceeds of his Tunisia concert to "The National SolidarityFund", a charity dedicated to fighting poverty.

October3, 1996: Michael visits a children's hospital and brings small giftsfor the patients during a HIStory tour visit in Amsterdam. A room inthe hospital (for parents who want to be with their children) is namedafter Michael.

November 1, 1996: Michael donates most ofthe earnings from a HIStory concert in Bombay, India to the poor peopleof the country.

November 7, 1996: Before his firstconcert in Auckland, New Zealand, Michael fulfills the wish of littleEmely Smith, who is suffering from cancer, who wants to meet Michael.

November25, 1996: Michael visited the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne,delivering toys, signing autographs, and visiting with children.

December9, 1996: During a HIStory tour visit in Manila, Michael visits achildren's hospital. He announces that a part of his concert earningswill be donated to the renovation of the hospital.

January25, 1997: Michael waved his personal fee for his Bombay appearance anddonated $1.1 million to a local charity helping to educate childrenliving in slums.

April 4, 1997: British magazine "OK!"is publishing exclusive photos of Michael's son Prince. The magazinepays about 1 million pounds for the photos. Michael donates the moneyto charity.

June 18, 1997: Michael signed the "Children in Need" book auctioned by the charity UNESCO.

September1998: Michael meets 5 year old Aza Woods, who suffers from cancer, atthe Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas. Michael introduces Aza to the attraction"Star Trek: The Experience" and spends the rest of the afternoon withthe little boy. Finally Michael invites Aza to spend some time with himat his Neverland Ranch.

November 16, 1998: Michaelarrives in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is a member of the American Delegationinvited by the Minister of Defense. The delegation thanks thegovernment of Zimbabwe for helping to keep the peace in this area.

September4, 1999: Michael presented Nelson Mandela with a check for 1,000,000South African rand for the "Nelson Mandela Children's Fund."

January22, 2000: During Christmas last year a violent storm ravaged the parkof the Chateau de Versailles and destroyed 10,000 trees in the park.The estimated cost for rebuilding the park is around $20 million. Somecelebrities are supporting the restoration of the park. Frenchofficials are reporting that Michael Jackson is one of them. He was oneof the first people to donate money to this cause.

October 28, 2000:Michael painted a plate to be auctioned for the "Carousel of Hope Ball" benefiting childhood diabetes research.

March6, 2001: Michael donated a black hat, a birthday phone-call and ajacket worn at the Monaco Music Awards in 2000 to the Movie Action forChildren auction, an event being given by UNICEF with all proceeds willgoing to UNICEF's efforts to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmissionin Africa.

March 26, 2001: Michael handed out books toyoung people at a Newark, NJ theater. The event, which helped to launchthe Michael Jackson International Book Club, part of his new Heal theKids charity, aims to promote childhood reading and encourage parentsto return to reading bedtime stories.

September 15,2002: Michael donated 16 exclusively autographed items consisting ofCD's, videos and 2 cotton napkins to aid in the support of the victimsof a severe flood in Germany. These items were auctioned off forcharity and managed to raise 3935 Euro (US$ 3,814).

October12, 2002: Michael Jackson invited more than 200 Team Vandenbergmembers, who recently returned from overseas deployments, and theirfamilies to his Neverland Ranch. This was to show his appreciation forthe sacrifices the military in his community make.

November19-29, 2002: Michael donated an autographed teddy bear dressed in hislikeness to Siegfried & Roy's celebrity teddy bear auction. Thisauction benefits Opportunity Village which is a non-profit organizationbased in Las Vegas (USA) that enhances the lives of individuals withintellectual disabilities and their families. Michael's autographedteddy bear raised $5,000 for the charity.

November 21, 2002: Michael donated a jacket to the The Bambi Charity Event in Berlin which raised $16,000.

April25, 2002: Michael Jackson performed at a fundraiser for the DemocraticNational Committee at the Apollo Theater in Harlem helping to raisenearly $3 million dollars towards voter registration.

June2003: The Wolf family, who experienced serious damages to theirbelongings during the flood in Saxony, Germany last August, was invitedto Berlin by Michael Jackson when he was at the Bambi Awards. On thatoccasion Michael invited them to Neverland. In June, they spent threedays at Neverland, meeting Michael and his children.

Charity Awards

May14, 1984: At a ceremony in the White House President Reagan presentsMichael an award for special efforts; he is honored for hisparticipation in a national ad campaign against drunk driving.

January1989: The "Say Yes To A Youngsters Future" program honors Michael inrecognition of his efforts to encourage children to natural sciencesand award him with the "National Urban Coalition Artist/Humanitarian OfThe Year Award".

March 1989: At the UniversalAmphitheater in Universal City, California, Michael receives the BlackRadio Special Award for his humanitarian efforts.

September22, 1989: The Capital Children's Museum awards Michael with the Best OfWashington 1989 Humanitarian Award in recognition of his efforts toraise money for the museum, and for his never-ending support ofchildren.

February 3, 1990: From Japan Michael receives a Role Model Award.

April5, 1990: During a ceremony, where Michael is awarded as "Entertainer OfThe Decade", Michael meets President George Bush, who honors him withthe "Point Of Light" award. Michael receives this award for hisphilanthropic activities. President Bush explains Michael'shumanitarian commitments to the press.

September 14,1990: The Council of the American Scouts honors Michael with the first"Good Scout Humanitarian Award". Michael receives this award for hishumanitarian activities by supporting the Make A Wish Foundation, thePrince's Trust, the United Negro College Fund and Childhelp USA.

October23, 1990: Michael Jackson and Elton John will be the first recipientsof the award in memory of Ryan White, which will be handed over in 1991.

May1, 1992: President George Bush presents Michael with the "Point ofLight" award for his continuing support of deprived children. Duringhis stay, Michael visits little Raynal Pope, who had been injured verybadly by dogs.

June 3, 1992: The organization "One ToOne", who is caring for better living conditions of young people,honors Michael with an award for his commitment to deprived youngsters.

July 1993: The American Friends of Hebrew University honors Michael with the Scopus Award 1993.

August1993: The Jack The Rapper Awards are presented and Michael is honoredwith the "Our Children, Our Hope Of Tomorrow" award.

November17, 1993: Michael rejects the Scopus Award. He was nominated for thisaward, which was planned to be given him on January 29th, 1994.

April12, 1994: On occasion of the 2nd Children's Choice Award ceremony atCit Center in New York, Michael is presented with the "Caring For Kids"award. This award is to honor celebrities, who take time for youngpeople. 100,000 children and young people from 8 to 18 years old gaveMichael their vote of confidence. The Children's Choice Awards aresponsored by Body Sculpt, a charity organization, that offersdrug-prevention programs for young people.

November 2, 1995: Michael receives the award "Diamont of Africa".

March,30, 1996: The Ark Trust-Foundation, who wants to draw the attention ofthe public eye on animal's problems, presents the 10th Genesis Award.Michael is presented with the 1995 Doris Day Award. He gets this awardfor the "Earth Song" video, which draws attention to the plight of theanimals.

May 1, 1999: At the Bollywood awards in NewYork, Michael is presented with an award for his humanitarianactivities. The award is signed: "Though he comes from the youngAmerican tradition, Michael is the embodiment of an old indian soul.His actions are an expression of the philosophy of Weda, which asked towork for the people - not for one's own interests."


TheMillennium-Issue of the "Guinness Book Of Records" names Michael as thePop Star who supports the most charity organizations. The followingprojects are supported by Michael Jackson:

AIDS Project L.A.
American Cancer Society
Angel Food
Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles
BMI Foundation
Brotherhood Crusade
Brothman Burn Center
Camp Ronald McDonald
Childhelp U.S.A.
Children's Institute International
Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund
Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation
Congressional Black Caucus
Dakar Foundation
Dreamstreet Kids
Dreams Come True Charity
Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation
Heal The World Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Love Match
Make A Wish Foundation
Minority Aids Project
Motown Museum
National Rainbow Coalition
Rotary Club of Australia
Society of Singers
Starlight Foundation
The Carter Center's Atlanta Project
The Sickle Cell Research Foundation
United Negro College Fund
United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope
Volunteers of America
Watts Summer Festival
Wish Granting
YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw


Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America

This is the oldest mentoring organization serving youth in the USA.
BBBSAhas provided one-to-one mentoring relationships between adultvolunteers and children at risk since 1904. BBBSA currently serves over100,000 children and youth in more than 500 agencies throughout all ofthe United States.

BMI Foundation

Fromjazz to musical theater, from music education for gifted youngsters tosupport for the work of accomplished concert music composers, the BMIFoundation seeks out the best and most promising of today's andtomorrow's musical creators and offers a platform of support thatfosters their growth and ensures the continuation of the heritage ofAmerican musical ingenuity for generations to come.

Childhelp USA

ChildhelpUSA is dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional, educational, undspiritual needs of abused and neglected children focusing efforts andresources upon treatment, prevention.

Children's Institute International

This is a private, non-profit organization specializing in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Overthe past 90 years, CII has evolved from a shelter for single mothersand their babies to an internationally recognized model ofcomprehensive care and assistance for at-risk children and theirfamilies.
CII assistance includes child and family assessmentsupported by 24-hour emergency residential shelter care, familytreatment services, therapeutic day care, child health clinic,long-term foster family care, and substance abuse treatment andprevention services.

Make A Wish Foundation fulfills thefavorite wish of any child between the age of 2 ½ and 18 who has adiagnosed life-threatening illness.

Camp Ronald McDonald

Camp for children with cancer.

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Re: Tribute and the constitution oldlinedawg 7/9/2009 6:48:06 PM