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Re: Knight Enterprises FL needs to be stopped!

I know we all are tired of bitchin and complainin about out work..... Let me ask all you other contractors... How many of you have been charged "well take payments" 5000.00 for a HDDRV?  500.00 for a Docis modem... 1500.00 for a Digi box????  They finally good sued by one person and had to charge use what theyt get charge... He won I looked it up in the Pinellas Court Records.. I was charged for some Equip I might file to get me money back aswell.  I know theres alot of silent knight techs readin this on here who prob have lost a box or two.  Lets bang together and get out money back....Thats just a example of the bad taste they have left in hundreds of x-techs and techs... you have to pay it or youll lose your check... Nazi's... I had my ink tat number for a number of years... "Camp Pinellas"T hats why your hearing from people on here.  Ive contracted for other companies, I have nothing bad to say...  the truth is...  Once your in Knight.. Meter payments...2k tool payments.... you have to keep working... what else are you going to do?  But now its so slow that even the vets arent pulling in 1800 every two weeks.  I did that in a week.  So its changed so what deal wit it out walk out.   
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Posted in reply to: Re: Knight Enterprises FL needs to be stopped! by KeeperofSecrets
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