As an installer of commercial grade camera's take a good look at walmart inside and out Many malls across our nation, the down town area of your small town . if you have something to hide then why is it, you don't where a mask cause cameras are everywhere have been for years .
I was renting a home in Navarre and a marshal came to the door .He spotted the cameras at my home and when i answered the door he said you are not the person on the warrant he then asked about the cameras I brought him into the garage showed him and he said I need the same . the warrant was brought by the state of texas on the person who previously live d at the home and was caught on camera .
I beleive in justice and when I investigated the warrant the person now lives in Arrizona and I found him threw video camers on a down town camera, so lets get real innocent til proven guilty but video doe,s not lie .
Re: photo enforcement
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