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Wanna know why ????

Well starting years back I made several comments about illegals on bicycles doing disco's with pruning poles.   Well today it went above and beyond my predictions, and now I know why quite a few companies want all of your personal info before talking to you and you never hear back from them.

So today I sit in a clients office in Yonkers awaiting the arrival of the commercial cable installer (shows up 2 hours after the time frame) when up shows 2 guys (1 spoke very poor English, the other spoke none at all) both sporting Cablevision contractors badges with obviously somebody else's names ( neither name was of Spanish origin ) all they were missing were the clown shoes.

This scenario officially puts an end to any and all thoughts I had or will have about going back into the business. Not only that, but I will place calls to INS, ICE, and whatever other authorities need know about this and report the prime as well the 2 illegal miscreants sporting somebody elses identity.  And to the prime working out of Yonkers a big F.U. to you and all of your loved ones.

If any prime asks for your info over the phone or through email don't give it to them because they are probably using it to pay these dung heaps as well and you will end up footing the tax bill and penalties for concealing income. Only give info face to face and on a legal form from an established and licensed company that performs back ground checks.

I have the name and corporate address of the prime, and the names of the id's stolen by this company in order to commit fraud. 
This is posting #258524. Tiny Link:
There are 7 replies to this message
Re: Wanna know why ???? johngault 7/19/2009 6:29:56 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? royarlenmcclung 6/26/2009 10:46:04 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? semper fi cable guy 6/26/2009 8:51:52 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? MitchellsInstallations 6/25/2009 11:58:59 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? fundude101 6/24/2009 11:04:24 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? islandcable 6/24/2009 8:46:35 PM
Re: Wanna know why ???? C.HAROLD 6/24/2009 8:32:34 PM