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Re: Knight Enterprises FL needs to be stopped!

Just got a thnks from BC, I guess hes reading the nice posts on his old company.  I hear from my friends "good ones" thats its so slow and lots of techs arent even getting routes, but still time frames are getting missed, jobs are getting kicked by techs. Break the routes up.  Even if you have one or two its something.  Thats what happened in another Knight area when I was in somewhat in charge. Even the guy how helps out with Jermey is getting screwed for a route.  4 days now with no route, no warning no sorry, just a I dont have anything for you. WTF.

When times are tuff you get to see who your really working for.  Every tech for himself. 
Even if I was a tech still there, Id be worse off I probl still wouldnt be getting a route.

Whos looking for a tech thats has.

Modem meter
Drop Locator
Phone tools
Years of Exper
Excellent CS skills
Knows BH Spec inside and out
Always takes care of the customer
Always shows up
Doesnt do drugs

Knight isnt :)


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