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Re: Home Theater Installation Price cuts..

Well i can say i have been doing installs for Mastec since December in the Home theater department and i have gotten every Penny that i have billed. I am not sure what goes on with the direct TV side but home theater is not a problem. Now if you do good work there should not be a reason for anyone to mess with your money, But this industry is filled with a lot of self proclaimed Pros when there are a lot of Hacks out there. Now don't get me wrong i don't know you and i am not calling you a hack, But if you had your 800 number on every box in Sam's and Cosco then and your work is as good as you say then Why is NEW's 800 number there now and they have 3800 walmart stores under them ? Now everybody seems to Talk about pricing but what is fair pricing ? Everyone seems to have a solution but nobody wants to run for office and the people that do have to deal with things like this. Now a idiot would listen to these post and make a move as they have a family to feed Morgate to pay and so on. What real solution do you have ????? The only thing i see is you call working people idiots are you kidding weather a person works at Mcdonalds or wendy's they are working men and women now the idiot is the one's that post on this site and say that they would rather stay home on there a$$ and that is a real solution i guess for the Repo man and the Lawyers trying to take there houses. Everyone deserves a second chance and in the past Mastec Could of had bad management I am not sure what happened back then, But my point of contact has been outstanding and if i need something done he gets it done. Who do you work for now ? Service Magic well service magic will not push out enough installs to feed a crew and if you was so Great at what you was doing with these companies then why are you not doing the walmart contract directly with them. I don't understand everyone is a idiot but you i mean what is your real solution ??? or do you have one ???? It is easy to bash someone and curse and call names, But it is harder to come up with real solutions to what you call a problem.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Home Theater Installation Price cuts.. by johngault
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Re: Home Theater Installation Price cuts.. johngault 6/14/2009 10:44:48 PM