When I started:
Outlets: $7.00 ea
Digi-box: $20.00 (but that outlet install was part of it) ...additional boxes were $12.00
HSI: $25.00
Phone: $35.00
Hang a Drop: $15.00
So a Triple-Play install with 4-outlets paid $116.00 ... I was doing anywhere from 4 to 5 of those a day easily. Heaviest day ..I did 8 of those. Juicy day

When I left:
Outlets: $5.25
Digi-box $12.00 ...additional $5.00
HSI: $15.00
Phone: $20.00 (if the emta was doing both phone and HSI then all u got was the PHone +$5.00 for hsi)
Hang a Drop $8.00
Same Triple-Play install: $60.75 .... And you were lucky if you saw 2 a day.
When I left, most work orders were HSI only upgrades ...or ... add an outlet 'cause Johnny got a TV in his room $15.00 ...even if it was a post-wire 3/4 way around the house.
So yea ...Good Luck to the brave who attempt to be an installer now.