Re: SanSat
Member #: 68020
Registered: 4/22/2009
Directv tech
South East Texas
~22 years
San Sat is a sub of Mastec. In Corpus they are trying to pay 55/15 and from what i understand no trip fees for jobs too far away. Don't know about the payout. The owner of San Sat wanted me to work for them after I replied to an add. At that fee and to be under that much scrutiny from Mastec and to have to run however far they ask you to run is just not enough. Even with 4 jobs a day. I started out with $50/20 back in 2003 and was getting raped then. After 6yrs in this industry there's just no way $55/15 will pay the bills at home. You have to pay for all of your materials but they say they may be able to get you a roll of cable at their cost $35. Nothing for free. You drive your own truck, own tools, meters, etc. For all the bull you have to go through may as well sign with Mastec. Less Overhead, same if not more work load. Paid on time. Same Charge backs. Good look!
This is posting #255075. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: SanSat by jlmoore85
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