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Re: frontier communications

  I think it could be worse, at least we weren't purchased by Fairpoint. Frontier was origanlly Rochester Telephone from New York, and was bought out by Global Crossings, which was later bought by Citizens Communications, which last year changed its name to Frontier.

  Citizens has been around for a long time, and its core business has been being a ilec, and not a clec like Fairpoint. I am not sure how long you have been with Verizon, but if it has been a while, you will remember we were once GTE. Some areas here in Oregon were Continental Phone before GTE bought them out. Why do I mention Continental? Because Citizens had purchased Continental phone a while back. These former GTE properties have always been the ugly step child of Verizon, it was much better when it was GTE.

  Don't sweat the small stuff. I believe they can't treat us any worse than Verizon. They have to honor the contract, so benefits and pay won't be cut, but I am sure once the contract expires it will be a fight.
When GTE merged with Bell Atlantic(which then became Verizon), it was doom and gloom out of every ones mouth, yet we are still here. Keep doing what you do, and whatever happens is out of our control, more than likely you will still be doing what your doing when all is said and done.
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Posted in reply to: frontier communications by johned
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: frontier communications johned 5/16/2009 8:54:43 PM
Re: frontier communications LocoDawg 5/16/2009 8:17:13 PM