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I can say that I do not like what Bush did. Emphasis on DID. He is not in office now and our country is going down the tubes rapidly. I and many others are trying to affect the now. We can stay in the past while the present is getting much worse. That is exactly where they want you to be. And what is one of the greatest reasons the economy is heading south right now? The housing market went south. It went south due to banks being pressured to lend to unqualified buyers. There was pressure from groups like ACORN to give out these loans. And now we can blame it on the greed of the banks.
I bought a house in the last year. I read what I was signing which is what all buyers should have done prior to agreeing. But it is greedy bankers, who probably knew that these people would not be able to pay it back but were forced to lend anyway. Now these thugs are performing our census and receiving billions from our government.
But yea, lets complain more about Bush, who may or may not have been deceived or did the deceiving. He, as well as all the other presidents before him COMBINED will not have spent as much as the current president proposes to spend.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Why I "LOVE OBAMA" by Gwester843
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Re: Why I "LOVE OBAMA" Gwester843 5/16/2009 12:40:29 PM