Re: Fuck Abss
Member #: 17782
Registered: 1996-2001
Ron Dillon
Ron Dillon
Industry Consultant
Senior Management
~40 years
I'm sorry, but I can't stay quiet on this string anymore. That's pretty much what the term "OVERLASH" means. Something like, oh I don't know, TRUNK and FEEDER is already there, lashed to the strand, so they OVERLASHED the fiber. I could be wrong, but I've been a lineman for 30 years and as far as I can recall or, better yet, know; overlash still means over-lash. I'm really not trying to be a dick, but if you're going to slam someone for doing a job the only way it has ever been done then I have to say something. Now that I have put myself and my opinion out there, I would just like to state, just for the record; I have known Mike and Lisa for a very long time, and I personally don't think you will find a more knowledgeable person in this industry, nor will you find someone that has been in, not to mention, stayed in business, this, the telecommunications industry for well over 30 years. He has a great rapport as well as very strong business and personal relationships with pretty much all of the MSO's and their hierarchy, which you don't get by fucking people over. I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. With that said, I read this bullshit string a couple of weeks ago and decided not to bother or even waste my time responding to it as I have actual work to do, but this post just sent me over the edge.
God Bless you Mr. and Mrs. Brakefield, you are wonderful people and friends. God, additionally please bless everyone and anyone else who reads this, whether they agree with me or not.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Fuck Abss by hookman 81
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