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Re:Items for Sale:

Would be willing to take the Van, ladders and all (8) meters, if you would be willing to work out a payment deal: 2000.00 per month for 12 months (24,000) The price your asking for these items is 17,300, so that gives you over 6,000.00 more then your asking price. We are currently working in Stevens Point, WI. Email me: (-REDACTED-) Thanks, Jeff

>1990 Ford Van with 29' Versalift Boom $9,500.00, 1987 Ford Truck with 29' Versalift Boom $11,500.00, (8) 28 ft. Red Werner Ladder's with cable hook/v rung $175.00 each, (8) Wavetek MS-1300 Signal Level Meter's with Ingress capability. 2 years old. $925.00 each. All equipment in excellent condition. Call (920) 740-2297 if interested in any of the above items.
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