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Re: Lineman

Don't want to flame but I do want to clarify a few things. I've been hookin poles for over 33 years and no not just anyone with a set of nuts can hook a pole it does take a certain breed to do it. I've lowered quite a few people off poles taken quite a few more to the hospital and watched even more walk once they tried. And as a matter of fact we do wear what we do as a badge of honor because we know that what we do take a tremendous amount of heart and all of us have seen countless try and fall by the wayside. We work hard, we play hard, we fight hard, and we party hard, that's just who we are, and if you have never experienced what we do you will never understand our holier than thou attitude. Every lineman knows they could learn to splice, or do installs we just choose not to but on the same note we also know that most (not all) slicers or installers could never handle what we do. Does that make us better than them? No, but it does give us a sense of pride that most will never feel.
Yes there are a lot of Trades out there that work hard, I've worked construction, been in the army and unloaded buses, but none of those compared to line work, lt's kind of like being in basic training all the time but even the Army stops training at certain temps and weather conditions, We Don't! And all linemen are like this no matter if you do power, telephone or CATV. So you can hate us, you can think we are full of our selves (which we are) but one thing you can never do is imitate us. As for the intelligence part well you are right about it not being rocket science, but it does take someone who can constantly think on their feet, get production, read prints, do paper work, keep an eye on quality all while making sure that no one on the crew gets injured or killed. No we may not be the most intelligent trade out there but I would bet my life quicker on a lineman's common sense a lot faster than I would most peoples book sense.
Well let me end my little soapbox speech by saying we are proud because we earned the right to be, some of us with our lives, we've paid our dues and earned the title of lineman and will continue to wear it as a badge of honor because to us it is. Most will never understand us because they can never be us. We Are Linemen and I guess for the rest of the world, it must suck to be you. Peace and good will to you brother.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Lineman by supertick
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Lineman johngault 5/8/2009 2:44:09 AM
Re: Lineman feeber 5/7/2009 9:23:59 PM
Re: Lineman LocoDawg 5/7/2009 6:54:14 PM
Re: Lineman WildBill63 5/7/2009 6:40:47 PM