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gas pumps treating you good?

Anyone seeing any of this? I know when I was in Phoenix I wondered how I could fill my tank with 37 gallons when I had an 1/8th of a tank that only holds 37 gallons...........

> Subject: Cheating at the gas pumps - please rea d
> Cheating at the gas pumps (PRINT OUT YOUR RECEIPTS!!!)
> This email was sent to me by a friend whose cousin is the
> Lewiston fire captain.
> This is t rue. It happened to them three weeks ago
> somewhere in Lewiston on
> our way to Augusta. The pump should have totaled @ $38.00
> (and change).
> When the receipt was printed, and she checked it was $
> 47.00 (and change).
> She got mad, went inside the store, asked for a calculator
> and let them
> do the math. They refunded her. she told them that if they
> cheat, they
> had better make it right. Normally, her husband would skip
> printing the
> receipt... Not her
> We saw on the news the other night that this is happening
> everywhere.
> Brian pumped exactly one gallon of gas. The price did not
> match the cost
> of one gallon. It was higher. He went inside and
> complained, got a refund.
> There is also a number on each pump that you can call and
> complain..
> This is a true story, so read it carefully.
> On March 24, 2009, I stopped at a gas station in Lewiston.
> My truck's gas
> gauge was on 1/4 of a tank. I use the mid-grade, which was
> priced atC2
> $2.21 per gallon. When my tank is at this point, it takes
> somewhere
> around 14 gallons to fill it up.
> When the pump showed 14 gallons had been pumped, I began to
> slow it down.
> Then, to my surprise , it went to 15, then 16. I even
> looked under my
> truck to see if it was being spilled. It was not.
> Then it showed 17 gallons on the pump. It stopped at 18
> gallons. This was
> very strange to me, since my truck has only an 18 gallon
> tank. I went on
> my way a little confused, then on the evening news I heard
> a report that
> 1 out of 4 gas stations had calibrated their pumps to show
> more gas had
> been pumped than a person actually got.
> Here is how to check a pump to see if you are getting the
> right amount:
> Whichever grade you are using, put EXACTLY 10 GALLONS in
> your tank, then
> look at the dollar amount. If the dollar amount is not
> EXACTLY 10 times
> the price of the fuel you have chosen, then the pumps are
> rigged.
> In my case, as I said, the mid-grade was $2.21 9/10 per
> gallon; my dollar
> amount for 10 gallons should have been $22.19. I wish I had
> checked the
> pump. It doesn't matter where you pump gas, please
> check the 10 gallon
> price. If you do find a station that is cheating, contact
> the state
> Agriculture Department, and direct your comments to the
> Commissioner, the
> info is on the gas pumps
This is posting #253175. Tiny Link:
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: gas pumps treating you good? guerillasplicer 5/5/2009 12:50:22 AM