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Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future?

As we all know we're in trouble, and it's only getting worse.

My opinion about some of what needs to happen.... on the federal level- get rid of nearly everyone in both the Senate and House of Reps, bring in fresh blood who believes more about the state of our country than the balance of their bank accounts.  Force ALL illegal immigrants and THEIR illegel offsprings out of America, doesn't matter where they go but get them out of here.  Make it where they can never legally set foot on any American soil/ territory again.  Sell off their posessions and the proceeds donated to an agency to aid displaced families.
Build the military up to the days of Mr. Reagan..., pull 80% of the troops from Afganistan, Pakistan, Iraq and allother middle East areas, then send in several teams of SEALS, Commandoes, Rangers, and Berets, with all inclusive No Prisoners orders and two months to desimate all the radicals and their FINANCIERS.  
For those countries wanting to experiment (veiled threats) with nuclear technologies; send a clear message delivered by acarrier fleet just outside the borders that they dismantle and dispose of all equipment within a certain amount of time or we take their refusal as a threat and go in and annihilate the grounds that we know the facilities are sitting on.
Bring back all manufacturing and build of goods to America, and those companies that refuse... TAX the crap out of them.... bring the work back home.
Re-invent our education system and return corporal punishment to both; the HOME and the SCHOOL--- allow parents to parent and schools to teach without fear of the threat of retribution from the government.  Get rid agencies such as DCF, DFS, and the likes.  
Institute a form of marshall law that permits me to protect what I have work hard for and paid honest money for from someone to lazy or to stupid to do the same..., why should I or my family be hapless victims in our own homes, or churches, or business.  Why should I be forced to replace the tools of my craft before I've worn them out.

This doesn't scratch the surface of what I truly believe and feel..., but there are some things broken in our society that needs to be repaired.  Didn't  mean to ramble on so much.....LOL    
This is posting #252978. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: How do you feel about the U.S. future? by uknowme2
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: How do you feel about the U.S. future? Polehiker 5/3/2009 1:14:47 AM