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Re: our deficit

I just wanted to add a couple tids regarding the clinton's. Not bashing, but simply pointing out some facts.. The whole so called budgeting or debt/surplus issues are complete b.s. slick willy took the reigns from bush sr.former v.p. under reagan and policies set forth there from. Bush sr. also used to head the cia..hmmm.. Also, a very rich family that have been in bed with Saddam hussein, The bin laden family and oh my goodness even hitler and i believe it was prescott bush were bumping uglies back in the day.. Sorry, i was straying from my point. The point is willy's so called surplus was primarily based on speculation regarding planned/scheduled tax increases that were slowed or stemmed by jr. in some cases. Bush sr. starting raising taxes and clinton was pushing more. These policies have residual effects and are not felt for years from when these policies were instituted. There is no validity to the suggestion that anything clinton did was in supportive of our economy or national security.. Let's remind ourselves of some detrimental acts by this clown. To mention just a few, selling secrets to the chinese, knowingly allowing bin laden to continue business as usual. Damn! Not that I believe this was an option but for the average idiot, taking out obl in theory could have prevented our entire iraq/afgan Uh, let's see. Oh yeah, somalia. Another example of the left tying the hands of experienced military leaders. Lying under oath. Impeachment with censure. Yes, they were able to buy off enough republicans to get a "not guilty" but the fact remains he was impeached and censured. The evidence was there. Not to mention the embarrassment of our country's highest office. It is not leadership and certainly less than honorable to get caught cheating on your wife and then lie about it. The direction of this deficit train  most certainly will run out of tracks. We can legitimately argue or bash left/right all day as they are both corrupt. I just think that praise of them is naive and ill gotten. A blindfold and last request are all these fuckers deserve. And instead of granting their last request; you make them lie down with their mouth open to a concrete curb and stomp the back of their heads.. To be green about it save the lead and string them up, re-use the rope for the next group.. 
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Posted in reply to: Re: our deficit by Gwester843
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: our deficit Polehiker 4/30/2009 11:55:01 AM