I know the Swine Flu is bad, but it shouldnt affect the stock market. Thats the point I am trying to get across. Years ago when we had the bird flu flying around here, you never saw the stock market tumble.
Guys I am just trying to make a point that things have changed and we need to open our eyes. We are being fu#ked over by our own nation.
Banks, Law Makers, Politicians are taking us citizens as fools.
Example: Blank check for Iraq war for our safety and to fight terrorism = we still havent caught osama bin ladin
Example: 1 trillion dollar stimulus to save our economy = unemployment rate went up again this week.
Example: Oil prices have gone down = Gas prices have gone up
Example: we the american civilians have given so much money and havent gotten 1 penny in return.
So everyday when you turn on your TV you are told another lie as to why you need to pay more taxes and why our gas prices have gone up and to why you need to write another check to uncle sam. 10 yrs ago we didnt have this type of corruption, 10yrs ago you could turn on your TV and watch the news without sobbing and without getting depressed, 10yrs ago you could turn on the TV and watch the news without being told a lie as to why the stocks have gone down or why oil has gone up or why we need to write another 1 trillion dollar check to uncle sam.
Re: What Will Be The Next STOCK MARKET Excuse?
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