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Re: our prez

Is that it? Your answer to my question is an opinion presented by lefties to lefties? I read it a couple of times and fail to clearly see your point. While I certainly do not claim to be an economist nor would I care to endure such a headache. I do have common sense. The article does make some interesting points but comes up short with regards to a legitimate comparison between the 30's and our current situation. You and I clearly have different points of view. You did articulate your response with logic and passion, that I respect. The article suggests some likely as well as unlikely comparisons but my objections would be with many of the sources for said research. The fed, yale, princeton. I give little or no credit to any of these for any unbiased or honest information. There are many economists that completely disagree with many points of this opinion. That is all it is. An opinion. Stimulus spending is effective in a sense we can agree. But, who is getting stimulated here. A free market will eventually stabilize and there will be winners and losers. By propping up private corporations destined to fail with the publics money that they hasn't even been earned yet, to a degree unprecedented (in the trillions) makes no sense at all. Furthermore, implementing government control attached to these so called bailouts is an underlying evil in it self. I simply do not see this economic condition as the catastrophy that you do. I believe all should become more self reliant and that would lead to more innovation and production like you referred to. Propping up failed policies is like giving your drug addict brother twenty dollars because you feel sorry for him because he hasn't eaten in three days. He will use most of it on dope and come back for more.. If the thought of leaving such debt is so unacceptable then how do you sit here and ardently support it. Thanks for the advice, but what would you suggest I read. Left biased/brainwashed b.s.? No thanks.. As far as history is concerned, It is just that "his story". I have visited 14 other countries and have seen human suffering first hand. No one alive in this country can even comprehend economic sufferage to any real degree. Again I ask "How does borrowing more to pay for something you could not afford to begin with pave a way to success especially when you make no adjustments to what instigated the problems from the get go?" You can quote or post all the lefty psychobabble opinions you want. It still makes no sense.. Last, obama has implemented nothing. He is nothing more than a conduit of the far left/socialist/globalists, think they know better how to live your life than you do, pricks running the show from behind the curtain. Stop fooling yourself. Take your own advice.  You do show signs of intelligence. You just seem too guided or biased may be a better word. I agree that as a society we need to "step it up" but this idea is completely contradicted by the thought process of rewarding failures. Stimulus can work but who is getting stimulated here?  hmmmm..  I am not sure what the year 1977 has to do with anything here, you must clarify that for me.. In closing I would just like to say I personally could have done without the "landing a man on the man" accomplishment but to each his own.. Lighten up, I know it was a typo.. Did I mention I was the funniest lineman I know?
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