Re: You want what?
Member #: 61931
Registered: 9/16/2008
Tower Contractor
mid 50s
~38 years
you mean like the current drug user/dealer, I mean president ( he admitted to using in his own words in his own book lest you forget) who is also spending like an idiot too. I will never forgive Bush for his spending, so why I am going to give Obama a pass. If Bush's spending was nuts, why the hell do you believe Obama's is OK. This is lunacy. The best thing that could happen is for the entire congress to go on strike for a year or two ( cant spend a dime without congressional approval ). Also Congress passed the 700 billion Tarp bailout ( which party was in control of the senate at the time ), but only 350 of it was released in Bush's term. Obama released the rest and some more for good measure and asked for a budget with a 1.9 billion deficit and congress is eying a 1.2 trillion deficit with their version. They are all nuts. We all need to stop worrying about party and start worrying about country. Remember, ALL of the dems and reps are spending our money and we ALL are cosigners on all of this debt. And you better get a grip, France and Germany are no great conservative kingdom. They both have had an unemployment rate higher than the US for years before this mess. But at least they have the courage to call themselves socialist where as our ego maniacs are worried about labels applied to them as opposed to the truth. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
This is posting #251182. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: You want what? by t.koskella
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