Thats just it. They have taxed the snot out of my business and then me and what the hell have they done with it. Pa is a perennial worst roads in the nation state and the joy of driving by a Penndot crew of 4 trucks 10 men with only one of them walking behind the dump truck picking up large trash and throwing it in the dump. And yes I own weapons and I paid for them not the government, and I had to pay them 40.00 every 5 years for the privilege to carry it . Other than the police and the military, what do they do with the money? I averaged it out 60 percent of my income goes to the government and what do I get for it?
I am not saying there should be no government at all. It should be sensible though, not the omni present behemoth it is today. I watch them do stupid things, knowing they are spending my money to do it. Who cares about the mating habits of the fruit fly? But we all get to pay for it. Even those of us who pay only SS/Medicaid taxes end up paying for all of this waste because it is never escrowed as it should have been. Do you realize, that all of this debt, which earns interest, will have to paid on top of the pending SS medicare shortfall. And I have seen estimates in excess of 30 trillion dollars just for that. These maniacs are killing us. If I ran my business this way I wouldn't have lasted a year and I am now in my 19th year as a business owner. I have made my share of mistakes, but that cost me MY money, not everyone else. That is the difference. In general local government is the most efficient, better run of them all, but even they are getting stupid. Our local rocket scientists replaced a 300,000 a year volunteer fire dept with a 4 man paid and the rest new volunteer dept fire department for 1 million a year. Why you ask. The commissioner still wont give me a straight answer. It is this kind of crap that makes me dislike government. We the people, for the people not to politicians.
Re: more food for thought
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