And what the hell has Obama been doing. More tarp money Bailout to GM and Chrslyer. You act as if Obama hasn't spent a dime. Do you really believe what the hell you are saying? And realistically , Katrina should never had been so large. After the intial clean up, why were we paying for half ot the crap we did? And why the hell were the local officals, Ray Naggin etal, doing their job? Why were people 1500 miles away supposed to be performing inital disaster planning? Why did the locals not have a plan in place and use it? The friggin press basically forced the Treasury to be a damn insurance company with the poor us coverage. Why weren't they giving out huge checks in Houston. Because people took the initative and responsiblity for themselves and did not sit around and wait for a rescue from DC. The local elected officials did their job. New Orleans was a joke how the mayor right on up to the governer handled that, nut yet it was all Bush's fault. He parked the buses next to a levy and did not use them to get people out personally. Get a grip.
And if you want to use how the government handled Katrina as your guide, again why the hell do you want them to be doing more and being deeper into the day to day lives of us all? You can't have it both ways.
I was in Houston a week after their huricane. The place was up and running 2 weeks after the storm and 6 weeks after, you almost could not tell except right at the shore. Night and day from Katrina.