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If God’s against it, so am I!

Principle #1
If God’s against it, so am I!

Gal 5:19-21 Now the works (deeds) of the flesh (humans) are manifest (revealed), which are these; Adultery (sex with other than your wife), fornication (sex outside of marriage), uncleanness (sexual impurity), lasciviousness (sexual excess), Idolatry (things in your life that are more important than God), witchcraft (sorcery), hatred, variance (causing strife or discord), emulations (being jealous), wrath (sinful anger), strife (selfish ambition), seditions (dissentions), heresies (organized divisions or cliques), Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings (excessive eating) and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Throughout the Bible we see passages indicating behavior that God is against. He has asked that we avoid behaving in this way. He warns that participating in certain behavior will bring sorrow, punishment and can even lead to a shorter life. We have seen this to be true in not only our own lives, but in the lives of many others as well. It is called the law of sowing and reaping. This simple law says if you sow (or spread) destructive behavior, you will reap (or receive) destruction in your life. But if you spread good behavior patterns, you will receive blessings from God.

The Bible was written to tell us what is right, what is not right, how to get right and how to stay right. If God’s intention was to inform us of what is, what is not, how to get and how to stay right, then it is our responsibility to conform each area of our lives that is revealed to be wrong. He will help us to do this. He gives new believers His Spirit and a hunger to be right.

This new presence and new desire for good is what God uses to mold our new Christian character. If we draw a line and do not overstep this line of behavior that is considered by God to be wrong, then He will reveal more and more things that He would like to change in our lives. As we continue to adopt these revelations of God’s will for us, we will find ourselves farther and farther from the original line (which is to not indulge in our addiction). Eventually, we will find ourselves so far from our original line in the sand, so to speak, that even when we have a bad day, the thought of using or engaging in our addiction is not even a remote possibility. This is a joyous place to be.

To this end, we see that all who want to be unanimously reformed in their lives must accept Christ’s offer for Salvation first and foremost. Then they must draw a line and say, “If God is against it, so am I!”

Steven Curington
kid cable
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Re: If God’s against it, so am I! Gary Vest 4/14/2009 7:37:39 AM