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Re: Directv Installs

I do this exact work 2x a week. I'm not exactly sure of the distribution type your dealing with. I have a central distribution of 101/110/119 and each building has the new 5lnb slimline for HD service.  So if you have a stacked system you have to destack and go into multi switch at box, but then each outlet in house needs its own home run. Also are all home runs labeled or do they need toned out. 
Besides that, other considerations:

Some factors to know, where is this property? what are demographics? high end = lots of HD and DVR install, and usually additional componets(amps, DVD).  and % Hispanic customers, they are usually quicker as they don't ask stupid questions, not to picky and don't distract the installation. Or is it retirment community with old people where you will spend 20 minutes just explaining the remote.

I think your install estimate of 2 boxes in 20 minutes is not realistic. I can usually do one  D12 in a 1/2 hour. The new HD DVR and SD DVR add 10-20 minutes more. If I have to diplex with the cable modem another 10-15 minutes. If you have to get the customer to move all the crap off the entertainment center and move to get wall access another 10-15 minutes more.  You see a single receiver could go in a 1/2 hour or easily over an hour.

So, with limited info I know of your property, I would do the job for 
1st Receiver
D12- $20.00,
SD DVR, $25.00
HD        $25.00
HD DVR  $30.00

2nd, 3rd, 4th receiver
$10.00 each
This is posting #250212. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Directv Installs by salesdawg
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Directv Installs tech! 4/13/2009 12:47:35 PM
Re: Directv Installs salesdawg 4/11/2009 8:54:30 PM