Re:not cool
Member #: 45353
Registered: 3/30/2006
I.C.E. Axxesses
Wireless Telecom PM
East Coast
~35 years
For once I can agree with something posted here, although I've only begun to read the crap most of you morons are spewing. Mr. Reagan was the best this country has had during my lifetime, the pansies before and gutless wonders since leaves alot to be desired. Both Bushes ransacked the finances of this country and Ol' Bill desemated our once indominable military. I served under Mr. Reagan proudly; able to do my job and all my guys came home in one piece, under Bush1; lost one of my guys, had to personally carry him to the EP. Retired immediately after that. Billy Boy fixed our deficit all the while destroying our once very strong military force. Bush2, what more can be said, "we're not in a recession, guess not when your pockets are steadily getting deeper. The baffoon leading the hapless. Thanks to your revered leader Mr. Obama cruisedinto the Whitehouse with the high approval rating and to date still maintains that rating. It takes a community to raise a child, it'llb take that to raise our country from this depression and put us back on top.
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