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Re: lies

Those are questions that are really irrelevant and sure would not blind me to the truths of God existing in my life. You can get carried away with focusing on the things that don't really matter and miss that which does. That is like asking if Adam had a belly button since God created him and he was not born of woman or if God can do anything, can He make a rock so big that not even He can move it? Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Not hardly. Don't get me wrong, I don't have all the answers and I too have questions, but I know that those can wait for the other side of eternity. I have much more important things to focus on this side, like loving God with all my heart, soul, and mind, telling others how they can have salvation, helping and loving those who I can when I can, and put the rest in God's hand. It is not easy by any means, but it is all that He asks. Is that such a raw deal for all He does for us? I am not perfect. I stumble. But God loves me just the same and He forgives me when I do, but he still chastises as a father corrects his children when they do something wrong. Do you find it an outrage that a parent would expect their child to obey, and if they do not, punish them? That is how you teach them. That is what God does with us. He is not going to kick you out of His family for your errors, but will punish you for them. Have you ever even given God a chance in your  life? Believe me, you have much to loose if you continue on the current path you are taking. God loves you, drifter, and will do great things in your life if you will allow Him.
Gary Vest
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Posted in reply to: Re: lies by drifter957
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: lies linedog 0001 4/8/2009 12:14:02 PM
Re: lies drifter957 4/7/2009 7:25:26 PM