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Re: Everyone needs to stop working for low rates

i hardly ever post anything on this site, but i would agree that everyone needs to stand down and make a statement. these prices are garbage and the primes know it. they also know that there are people that will work for it.....those people are the ones hurting us, i call them SCRUBS. the IBEW calls them SCABS. it is time for this industry to be ran by a Union. some people would agree and some wouldnt. the people who wouldnt are the ones that will go behind your back and work for less and take your job. i have 3 children that i support and i have left this industry and took a job paying 9.00 an hour, because i will not work for what primes are paying. i am doing my part in standing down and ask everyone else to do the same. what happens when a huricane hits? are you going to work for 20-30 an hour if that and pay for everything and supply everything? something to think about, the work has to be done. make a stand fellow dogs and bite back, grow a spine and say F#@k YOU, i will not work for slave wages, do it yourself.   SEMPER FI
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Posted in reply to: Everyone needs to stop working for low rates by sdelnay
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Everyone needs to stop working for low rates paulpetranto 3/31/2009 2:25:20 PM