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any probleems with new fiber

  is any one seeing problems with smashed buffer tubes in fiber fresh off the reel? would you say that a buffer tube with white marks at the twist is stress? Have found a couple of different reels with these problems and was wanting some feed back. These problems have been found beforer the fiber was hung. We are starting to OTDR every reel before and after it is hung or pushe dthrough conduit. Alot of expense and work when there is plenty to do that pays better.

 Thanks for any input.

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There are 4 replies to this message
Re: any probleems with new fiber Rex Jones 3/28/2009 11:08:03 AM
Re: any probleems with new fiber stupidcableguy00 3/28/2009 9:17:20 AM
Re: any probleems with new fiber rubberband 3/28/2009 12:32:57 AM
Re: any probleems with new fiber Joe50 3/27/2009 6:50:46 PM