Re: directv cost per job??
Member #: 40596
Registered: 9/12/2005
James Youngman
James Youngman
Youngman Satellite Service
Memphis, TN
~41 years
That's about the average, I would say...The multi-switch fraud thing finally fell out a few years back...I know many guys who do work through the HSP got the van, got the free materials, doing 1 to 2 installs a day 2 service calls, upgrades and so on...I know what most of them make. I wouldn't do it.. And 5700, sometimes it is better to keep thoughts just as that, thoughts..You have no clue what I do in a week to make the money I make..Materials are a miniscule thing to be worried about. Just because you don't do what I do, don't put your 2 cents in buddy. I had a heart attack Friday, got out of the hospital last night, trying not to work but I had a lady who paid me $50 for a pole mount 2 days before I went in and the homeless people use the pole now to get in and out of the abandoned apartment below. I just got back from fixing it. So, sometimes, people arne't all blow. You got anything else to say I will forward you some invoices einstein.
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