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Re: thanks for the reply and setting me straight

no shit like everyone else you only pick what you want out of what was said what makes you a lineman who gave you the title did you just decide one day i am a lineman has anyone verified your a lineman if i put on a white coat and hang out at hospital can i call myself a doctor if i put on a blue uniform and my side arm go to the police station can i call myself a cop if i put on camo pants and take my rifle to the army base can i call myself a soldier thats the problem in cable tv everyone thinks they are a lineman thats why now alot of us  go city to city fixing all the crap that is screwed up because 90% of this industry thinks they know more than the other guy dont get me wrong i learn things on a daily bases things change from year to year if our industry was ran like an auto mechanics 50% of us would not be able to get work if we had to be certified to do what we do 35% probably could not spell cable or aerial correctly so you know what you choke on it the reason i used power guys as an example of the term lineman is because they are almost 100% including power contractors put to test and have passed before they even put hooks on in cable up until recently every dope fiend and derelict felon could go and show up on a job site and go to work putting the general public themselves and unaware ground hands lives in jeopardy you talk about balls to the walls that sounds real safe to me that makes me wonder whos got hurt who broke what did the city or county inspectors ever shut you down so unless i know you or have worked with you i take your claim on the title lineman with a grain of salt so go fuck yourself and now i am done with you whos next
abandon all hope evil enter in
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Posted in reply to: Re: thanks for the reply and setting me straight by linedog 0001
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Re: thanks for the reply and setting me straight linedog 0001 3/26/2009 12:17:57 PM