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Coming to a Cable System Near You. Maybe Dish Too.



The Democraptic National Committee in association with the Socialists 
Workers Party and CBS (Communist Broadcasting System) proudly presents the 
ONE cable/satellite TV Channel you MUST watch (and we mean that): 

Comrades, due to our popular demand, the world now has a 24/7 source for 
information about all the wonderful things the Dear Leader and his Party are 
doing to improve your miserable lives.  And, it's entertaining to 
boot!  Here's a sample of the wonderful programming you WILL be watching 
(and we mean that) on OBAMAVISIONTM: 

The Trillion Dollar Pyramid  (Game Show) 
Each week, big-city mayors, connected pols and contractors, community 
organizers, union leaders and ACORN members vie for a share of the trillion 
dollar stimulus bounty recently provided by our glorious leaders in 
Congress.  Host: Paul Begala-Lugosi 

Tales of Brave Obama (Cartoon) 
The kidniks will cheer with progressive delight as the brave knight Sir 
Obama and his sidekick Axelrod fight for social justice and do battle 
against the evil Rethuglicans and their leader, the grotesque monster 

Oprah! (Reality) 
Proud Obama supporter Oprah brings a brand new popular talk show to 
OBAMAVISIONTM!  Prepare to be inspired and uplifted as you listen to the 
tales of  doubters, heretics, lost souls and thought-criminals as they 
explain how they cast aside their cynicism and regained their faith in big 
government after coming to know Obama.  You'll see recovering Republicans, 
bitter clingers and agnostic independents share their stories of hope and 
change.  Guaranteed to lighten your wallet burdens! 

Great Trips on AMTRAK (Travel) 
Happy travellers are flocking to congressionally-mandated 
federally-subsidized AMTRAK!  Find out why it takes at least 18.75 hrs to go 
from New York City to Chicago and why making the trip via Albany and Buffalo 
is a great idea!  Host: Alec Baldy. 

The Day in Business (Comedy) 
Join John Steward, James Carvelle and other party apparatchiks as they crack 
wise about the day's stock price decline and the latest torrent of 
capitalists going broke or being arrested.  Frank Notso-Rich of the New York 
Times says "It's a load of laughs!" 

Your Next Car (Shopping) 
Great deals on GM and Chrysler cars.  These two great American companies 
going to stay in business no matter what, so why not "Buy American"? (You 
might as well, because like the public school system, you're going to pay 
for them whether you use them or not!)  Hosted by Ron Givedafindger. 

The Gibbs Report (News) 
Presidential Press Secretary Robert Gibbs speaks directly to YOU, the loyal 
OBAMAVISIONTM viewer, without the cacophonous disruptions of pesky 
reporters, some of which occasionaly ask him irrelevant inane questions that 
he can't answer.  This is the best way to get the news vital to your welfare 
direct from your beneficent leader.  No need for a Fairness Doctrine when 
Gibbs is on the job! 

The Audacity of Hope (drama, mini-series) 
The second best book ever written (after "Dreams of My Father") has become 
the best 478-part mini-series ever presented on television.  We are sure you 
WILL enjoy watching every last minute of it (and we mean that.)  Mandantory 
quiz will follow each episode. 

Earth in the Balance (weather) 
Weather and climate expert Al Gore reports on the day's climate 
deterioration and which parts of the sky are falling where.  Forecasts where 
death and destruction will strike tomorrow because you didn't listen to 
him.  Brought to you by the Reid-Pelosi Cap and Trade Exchange, America's 
Number One carbon credit trading system!  (No relation to Harry Reid and 
Nancy Pelosi.  No, really!) 

Card Check (Game Show) 
Watch as employees of non-union businesses try to win prizes (and avoid 
beatings) by answering questions regarding whether or not they want their 
jobs unionized.  Host: Jimmy The Offa-you-can't-refuse 

Hate Night with David Ledderman (talk) 
Laugh along with the elite as Dave tells jokes about idiot conservatives and 
the evil Bushitler whose stupidity is responsible for all your 
problems.  Watch as the audience doubles-up in laughter at "Stupid 
Republican Tricks".  Then, it's time to listen to the endless parade of 
socially-responsible celebrities waxing eloquent on their glorious 
humanity-serving causes.  A great way to cap off your day and put you to 

This is just a small sample of the wondrous programming we have planned for 
YOU on OBAMAVISIONTM!  There's something for everyone on OBAMAVISIONTM.  There 
are no subliminal messages broadcast OBAMAVISIONTM (no, really!)  Do not 
fight OBAMAVISIONTM.  OBAMAVISIONTM is bigger than all of us.  Why not just 
surrender to OBAMAVISIONTM?  OBAMAVISIONTM is not a form of mind 
control.  It would be better for you if you just did what OBAMAVISION tells you to do.  Join us.  

This may be your last chance. 

The end result of a socialist is the same as a communist. The communist is just in a hurry and has a gun.
This is posting #247297. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Coming to a Cable System Near You. Maybe Dish Gwester843 3/18/2009 10:55:14 AM