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Re: Boston Tea Party

Where do you come up with this logic. The free spending loan policies started with Clinton's administration. Why don't you  go ask Chris Dodd and Barney Frank about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You people need to get over Bush and worry about now. And free spending Bush, what the hell did obama just spend, not even 2 months in and he has spent 350 billion of tarp money and another 800 billion of his own design and is asking to spend 1.9 trillion over revenues next year. You have to be nuts to say Bush was the only one to throw money at problems. This maniac president is spending our children and grandchildren into the ground. And most economists and myself dont beleive this spending will do much more than increase the size of the government. People had better wake up stop depending on politicians to do something they have not done in recent memory. The right thing for the citizens as opposed to their reelection hopes.

We all better get our collective crap together in a hurry or start getting used to the idea of calling each other comrade. I know that statement is extreme but it is only said somewhat tongue in cheek. The Government machine feeds on us, why are we encouraging it to grow larger. stupid
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Posted in reply to: Re: Boston Tea Party by Gwester843
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Boston Tea Party LocoDawg 3/7/2009 8:01:04 PM
Re: Boston Tea Party C.HAROLD 3/7/2009 4:18:39 PM
Re: Boston Tea Party C.HAROLD 3/7/2009 3:51:33 PM