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Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha

I'm confused. Are you guys defending holder in response to my post or do you own dobermans. If it is the latter then; I was only kidding about the dogs if not, then what? I don't understand the hostility. Fuck me? does anyone have a real response about the top prosecuting prick of the country? No matter your ethnicity this prick as well as oslama are on a "I am a black guy in power" trip. I have a kinda unique heritage myself which includes native indian and russian. Seems my great great grandfather was a russian  fisherman that got some northwest puntain. Add some german on my mothers side and you end up with me. When the shit hits the fan you will either love people like me or hide from people like me as I have taken my oath to uphold the constitution of the U.S. and mean to see it reins in these criminals until I can no longer draw a breath. I have children whom deserve at the very least the opportunity that I had. If I have misunderstood your responses then my apologies if I have struck a nerve on government cocksuckers then beware; because people like me have backbone so thick that 1000 years from now they will be digging it up and making others famous. With that said, It is not left or right because I trust not either side. I would be happy to respond to more intelligent dialogue though. Fuck me. That was funny though.
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Posted in reply to: Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha by islandcable
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha drifterdawg 2/24/2009 8:44:11 PM