This crap of global government is just that, crap. Why are people in this country so ashamed of being number 1? Why? Because so pointy headed liberal says we are bad and the media runs with it, that is why.
They count China and India as third world countries who cant be held to the same standards as the US. How is "pollution" only pollution if it comes from the US and it is ok from anywhere else. The people pushing for this one world government are the ones hoping to RUN the one world government. Wake up people. I am not6 saying we do not have a role to play in the world. But giving up our way of life and turning it into someone else's view in insanity. No other country gives anywhere near what this country gives away yearly. It pisses me off that we are portrayed as an evil country, but everytime the UN declares an emergency and says it needs peacekeepers or money, who gets called first? Go figure.
Re: is he real or a shyster?
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