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Re: Economic Stimulus Payment.

That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever seen on this topic. Here is a news flash, every business is hurting right now. Very few of the big businesses are making profits right now. So if this "stimulus" is to work, who is going to create jobs? If you take away the incentive to succeed, ie making money, who is going to take the risk to start or expand a business so your precious government can take it all and give the fruit of their effort to someone who has done NOTHING to EARN it except have a US citizenship. Government is not the answer to just about anything. In fact they have caused or had a large hand in all of the mess we are in now. They had help from some unscrupulous people in the private sector, but most of it started when the pols stuck there nose in where they did not have a clue.

And don't give me that crap that Bush or republicans did it all. Both parties were involved. Where was Henry Waxman, Mr Investigate Everything Not From My Party, at when people were questioning Fannie and Freddie's business model? Where is the investigation into the CEO's of those two fine groups? Into Barney Franks involvement with one of the leaders of them while he was involved in a relationship with while Mr Franks was in an oversite role of Freddie and Fannie. The vast majority of congress are co conspirators in this mess. And yes I mean co conspirators.

Want to fix this mess? Buck up, be a man and do what needs to be done. Take responsibility for yourself first and stop demanding that the government do anything for you. What has the government done so well in the last 50 years that we want them even more involved in our daily lives?

The best thing that could happen is the all go on strike for 3 or 4 years so common sense, no bullshit people can start to put this back together again. Stop voting for people simply based on what they promise to give you for free. Like free health care. 10% of employers payroll as a tax PLUS 3% of you own gross check for healthcare run by the same people who run medicare and the great prescription drug program for seniors. Remember that one, costs are multiples above what they all told us they would be for the drugs. And before you even open your mouth that Bush and republicans passed that, show me the vast democrat rejection of that program and I will eat my keyboard.

I do not believe a tenth of what comes out of Washington and even less of the media's dribble. If we want this nation to thrive, we need to do our own duties to it more thoroughly. Stop depending on government to do the right thing. The vast majority of them have only one thing that guides them in their work, reelection strategies. Open your eyes, act like the employer of all government that we all are. And fire those who do not do what is best for ALL, not just for me.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Economic Stimulus Payment. by MikeEd
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