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Re: Americans Getting $13/Week In Tax Relief

 That is the exact thinking the politicians in Washington want to hear. "What can I do?". You know what you have to do, vote. Not once in a while and only in presidential elections. EVERY ELECTION. You need to due your duty as a citizen of this land, take a couple of hours away from watching the idiot box and get online with a sample ballot and research candidates. Find out what they have actually done as opposed to the endless dribble they say on the campaign trail. Don't just listen to the papers or tv talking heads, don't even just listen to talk radio, look for yourself.

When and only when we start to SHOW the esteemed individuals in ALL levels and branches of government that they do indeed work for US, each and every one of us, then we can deal effectively with the problems that face us. Your largest tax bill should be from the county or township you live in. Not the state or especially not the federal governments. The only reason it is the way it is now is so the money can be used in a shell game. Send it to Washington, tax money runs through how many layers of bureaucracy before it is put into a multiple volume set of documents which are supposed to tell you where the money is going. Have you ever read one? I'll bet that answer is no. And again, it is what they politicians depend on.

If the bulk of taxes where taken at the lowest local level possible, in my opinion, there would be more accountability. Town hall meetings are alot easier to get to than going to Washington DC. Also all of the local politicians live in the community they govern. Do something stupid and it more likely you are going to hear about it. Ever try to get a call back from a US congressman or senator?

Until we start to vote for what is best for this country and not for the "right" to have the government do whatever it takes for us to not have to be personally responsible for ourselves, we have no right to complain. Go and look up the percentage of people who voted in this last "historic" election was 61.7%. Almost 4 out of every 10 people eligible to vote could not be bothered. And in non presidential elections it drops to between 20 and 40% on average. The politicians depend on on us to do nothing. And we go along with them and do just that, nothing.

So in a nutshell, you want to fix government? It is as simple as can be. Do a little research, pick candidates who show they have DONE what they say they have or will, VOTE and if the new candidate does not do what they said they would, vote them out and replace them with a new candidate. Keep doing it until, and it will eventually happen, the politicians get it through their thick bureaucratic heads, that WE THE PEOPLE  own and run this country. That they are our employee. And that we will fire them for non performance of the job and replace them with someone else. These things are nothing more than every citizen of this country has to live with every day. Why is a politician any different?

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