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Re: interesting news

And that really is the who problem in a nut shell. If you make it so that people with wealth have it all taken away from them to give to the "needy", it completely destroys any reason for anyone to work hard to get ahead. Why work hard if you can sit on your ass, do nothing and have everything taken care of for you. This mentality is not what this country was built on and it is not what made us the nation we can be. People need to take responsibility for themselves first and foremost, and hold those in elected office to the flame when they breach their duties to all of the citizenery.

Right now everyone in Washington is saying we cannot sit by and do nothing. They are right, WE THE PEOPLE, cannot sit still any longer and let this go on. Your elected officals work for you and the rest of us. Start acting like the boss we all are to them, would we be allowed to get away with what they do and still have a job?
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