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Re: Mediacom Contractor Price Cut

Not quite Big Ducks long lost bro...could be an alter ego....definately on the same frequency with him. He's got far more experience than I do in this business. Let's just say I have the same gift for seeing through the BS we're spoon fed daily. Been looking for real work on here for months, even some temp storm damaged drops or maybe some hardline smashed down by some limbs. I suggested to my former employer that we get into MDU's years ago as while in Little Rock we were bypassing all the large condo and apartment buildings. They said it was too much of a nightmare...I don't get it...that's why it's called work...gotta deal with the nightmares. Because of this the company's short sightedness they closed their doors! Of course having a compulsive gambler with access to all funds didn't help things much. When I as site supervisor saw the warning turned off in the office...cell phones for all techs off on a Monday morning...leased bucket trucks ready to be repoed I knew something was wrong and scheduled my back surgery in March 2000. I made the right choice as they closed the office by the summer...not sure what month as I had to go for follow ups with orthopedic surgeon on a monthly basis so he could make sure the fusion was healing right. I went by the office in June and they were gone! I couldn't get back into cable and was forced to go into dishes as they were the only people who would hire me. But cable gets in your blood and all the dishes I've done have finally gotten so boring, actually they were boring right from the start but you gotta eat. I don't know what I'd give to get back up in the air splicing, sweeping. troublshooting and yes, I'd even be willing to do the MDU thing even though it's a hassle. Probably the only thing these cable co's would be willing to pay for these days. I'd like to see the whole country have a huge ice storm so they would need us again to rebuild everything we've built for them...and they'd have to pay again. If they can find anyone willing to work for them!
Nice to hear from you and if you hear of anyone hiring that pays a living wage I won't have to go to Saudi Arabia to teach their morons how to not get killed working around F-15 Eagles'. They've only had them for 20 years now and they still need us to hold their hands...Pilot's affraid to fly at night cause "the Devil is up there"! Freaking pitiful but the $ is great and no taxes really. I can pay off my house with 1 year over there with plenty left over and if I extend it to 2 years the bonus cash is great! Have a great day and feel free to PM me if you know of anything going on with anything. Lots of MDU's in Florida I hear?
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Posted in reply to: Re: Mediacom Contractor Price Cut by SpeedLasher
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