I get channels OTA that even my cable co doesn't provide

...I pay for cable (basic only) yet I would rather watch DTV OTA as my first choice...45 channels of digital goodness for FREE month after month after month

...Total cost to receive OTA has been under $150...plus 30 minutes of my time building a DB4 antenna...Another 45 minutes to install and setup equipment...And the picture is BETTER...

at least it seems like it is to me since I also get EPG and TVG that does not come over cable QAM...
I did watch a program on CNBC last night tho...The first time I watched cable in about 3 months...I only have cable for the internet and the kids like Cartoon Network...And I need the internet for my Vonage service...
Cable used to do right by me...and everyone else...But since cable said F you I could'nt care less about their well being anymore...