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18th birthday gift

  For my 18th birthday my father wanted to do something for me that he thought would help me socially.He figured it strange that I was a virgin at such an age, that he wanted to help me.He asked me if I wanted to go to the local bordello,so with a smile on my face I excepted.Off we went, only when we got there all the young ladies were pre-occupied with customers.My father then told me that the only one available was the maitre-de who was 75, and that if I was still interested he could set it up."well, I am pretty horny,Ill do it." I said.He came back and told me to go talk to her.I went to her and she said,"what will ya be needin sonny?"I said ,"well, how bout lets F..k." to which she replied," Oh no,Im much to old to be F..King, Is there something else I can do fer ya?" He thought about it,"hmmm, well how about a blo...B?" To that she said,"Oh no,Im much to old to be sucking d..k!" But I do have something for you if your interested. He said,"what is it?" She replied," I have a glass eye which I could remove and you could...........I thought about it ,what the hell.So I Did it,I skull f..ked her.But after I was done ,because I was such a mannered young man, I didnt know how to thank her.So I simply said,"Thank you."To that she answered,"Oh dont ya worry about it,the next time your in town Ill keep an EYE out fer ya."
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: 18th birthday gift drifterdawg 1/22/2009 7:37:07 PM
Re: 18th birthday gift fundude101 1/22/2009 4:19:53 PM