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Re: Oil Down--Fuel Up????

Its because the refineries are cutting back production at a higher ratio than the fall in demand. Also oil futures spiked at the end of the year, meaning in a few months crude will be more expensive and retailers are driving up prices proactively. That way they wont get caught in a situation like last year when they couldn't raise their prices fast enough to afford the next shipment. Also Russia has a bit to do with it, since they shut down delivery to Europe during their masturbatory exercise in economic warfare- which, mark my words, is a preliminary strike in the imminent invasion of the Ukraine- drove gas prices in Europe to over $9/gallon in some areas (and caused the near total collapse of the Ukrainian economy). Also has quite a bit to do with Israel's recent invasion of Palestine, which likely would have been WW3 had McCain been elected- actually it wouldn't have happened in the first place, since the conniving bastards that  run that craphole wouldn't have needed to make a last dash land grab with our "bailout" money...

Its more because its not profitable enough so they quit making it- which I can understand-didn't do a whole lotta $7 wallfishes.  $2.37 is gonna be the avg. for a while. And aint a damn thing Obama can do about it- anyway he'll be up to his nuts in Russian politics and up to his neck in unemployment.
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